Monday, April 3, 2017

The Early English Discovered How to Prevent the Rising of the Undead - Science

We hear all the time about the Zombie Uprising but there's the tiny problem that we see zero zombies except in the worst movie of all time, "World War Z."

However, the English were experiencing Zombie Uprisings centuries ago and they discovered there's an excellent way to prevent them.  When you take your corpse and smash every bone in its body plus possibly set it afire, if it ever does manage to climb up to join the marching undead, it won't move too fast.

We know the above due to the investigation of ancient grave sites in the Yorkshire area of England.

Villagers in medieval Yorkshire were so afraid of the dead that they chopped, smashed, decapitated and burned corpses to make sure they stayed in their graves, a new study has found.

Ten butchered skeletons excavated from a pit near the abandoned village of Wharram Percy, north Yorkshire, are thought to offer the first concrete evidence that medieval people hacked apart corpses to stop them returning as the undead.

Writers from the 11th century onwards have long described restless corpses, or “revenants,” whose bad deeds while alive meant they would be restless in their graves. It was feared their evil natures or Satan would give them the power to crawl out of their graves, spread disease and attack the living.

Beheading them, breaking their bones and setting them on fire was seen as a way to stop their return.

RT:  Medieval villagers ‘mutilated corpses to stop rise of living dead’

The research demonstrates clearly the burial process of the time and their conclusions for the basis for the behavior seem reasonable.

FILE PHOTO. © English Heritage / Global Look Press
Cool-looking ruins which may or may not have anything to do with Yorkshire.

As with most things, history gives us the answer for the undead.  Perhaps you scoff but there are zero reports of Zombie Uprisings from that time in early England but we see one now every time the White House holds a press conference.

The efficacy of the English method is proven by the fact it continued for centuries and there were no Zombie Uprisings during that time.  They stopped doing it and wound up with Theresa May.  The cause and effect relationship behind that fact seems self-evident.

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