Monday, April 3, 2017

Thank You to Mystery Lady from the Midwest

The card arrived today and it was pure sweetness with no expectation of anything.  The card to Yevette did not get here yet but this one already brought smiles from the purity of it.

No-one wants you to feel you don't do enough so maybe take a little more faith those prayers do work.  It won't be me who says they don't and I see from Yevette how she does with this.

The side-effects are just as shitty as you know but there's no good purpose served by itemizing them.  The effect of any support is in how Yevette deals with it when things really suck and I tell you she's being a super trouper, just as bad ass as it takes.

Maybe you think a card is a small thing but I know from the past how your cards have affected people in beautiful ways and long past the time the card is gone.  This one is the same when it brings an immediate smile from the goodness of it.

There's some comedy in this since the Quartermaster Corps needs to do the fetching and Yevette needed more syringes.  So there I was tooling around with enough syringes to make any junkie's dream come true.  It probably wouldn't get me busted if I were pulled over by a cop since that goes, come on, man; do I look like I ever did any needle drugs in my life.

Note:  that's likely a result of watching "The Man with the Golden Arm" starring Frank Sinatra as a junkie when my ol' Dad wanted me to see it as a kid.  That settled any idea of ever spiking anything and that lasted for life.

Education, education, education

Just as with you, Mystery Lady, the worst part is seeing someone else hurting and sometimes she apologizes for getting bitchy once in a while but my job is simple since I tell her don't you be apologizing for anything.  I don't see giving a damn as such hard duty; it's just a bitch she has to go through this.  However, we will get her through it and do believe you're part of that.

There was a highly-encouraging statement from a doctor today when he said, "We just want to keep you comfortable."

You know how arrogant they can get sometimes but this does not go that way and the gentleness is extraordinary.

The way it looks so far is the Medicos get an A+; the health care system gets a C for obsessive bureaucracy; Big Pharma gets an F for exploitative pricing of prescriptions.  There's no need for the editorial since you know it already; that's just the observation of the immediate situation.

This is the start of the second week and determination remains high.  There's only one focus:  you get better, girl.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully Yvettes card comes soon...I mailed them both at the same time.

Unknown said...

Like the old song goes, if not for dumb luck we'd have no luck at all.

Maybe it doesn't go like that but things happen for no apparent reason (larfs). The card to Yevette did not arrive today either but hopefully tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That sucks! Let me know when it comes-okay?

Unknown said...

It still didn't show yesterday but sometimes it gets weird like that and I'm sure it will show. Yesterday was so strange it wouldn't have really been the best time anyway. Today for sure.