Monday, April 10, 2017

Japanese Divest of French Government Bonds Due to Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen wins hearts and minds around the world with her latest historical revision.

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has provoked outrage after her statement that France was not responsible for the German-ordered 1942 Jewish roundup by French police. “I think France isn’t responsible for the Vel d’Hiv.  I think that, in general, if there are people responsible, it is those who were in power at the time.  It is not France,” Le Pen said.

Vel d’Hiv is Velodrome d’Hiver [Winter Cycling stadium] – the infamous location where 13,000 Jewish people were held before being deported to Auschwitz in 1942.  Before that, the French police detained them, obeying the German officials’ orders.

(RT:  ‘France isn’t responsible’: Marine Le Pen’s comment on 1942 Jewish roundup triggers outrage)

On seeing one thing like this after the other from Le Pen, Japanese have seen enough and are not waiting for the vote on April 23 so they vote now.  (RT:  Japanese investors dump French bonds at record pace ahead of election)

The strong showing of French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has led to increased selling of French government debt among Japanese investors reports Japan's Ministry of Finance.

According to the ministry, money managers sold 1.58 trillion yen (€13.4 billion) of French bonds in February, surpassing the previous record of 1.25 trillion yen (€10.6 billion) set in June 2015.

- RT

Russians like her because she says nice things about Russia.  They don't seem to pay much attention to this aspect of her life but it's good the Japanese do.

There are extreme right Holocaust deniers in America but they don't achieve anything like the prominence in their tawdry historical revisionism Marine Le Pen has achieved with hers.  America has many faults but it never bought that bullshit.  We shall see on April 23rd whether France did.

Marine Le Pen has no real vision since she fails to see the future of the European Union is with the Vikings.  They have a fair and equitable system of Socialism in those countries and they don't need nationalist nitwits like Marine Le Pen, Theresa May, Geert Wilders, etc so they just wait for them to BREXIT, boggle, and buggle their ways into the sunset because then the European Viking Union can get on with business without their endless screeching.

Remember the motto of the E.V.U.:

Don't fuck with us
We invented dynamite

General Mayhem:  the CIA has given us credible intel that Vladimir Putin will invade the European Viking Union because he wants to make IKEA Communist.

Erm, check the notes there, sarge.  Putin isn't even making Russia Communist.

It's going to get strange.

Ed:  it's already strange!

Noooo, this is just the preliminary strange, the prelude to strange, the twisted metaphysical foreplay of strangeness ... we're anticipating demented since the cuckoo clock lives and breathes.

Meanwhile Theresa May says she will put pressure on Russia.  (RT:  Theresa May considers how to put ‘further pressure’ on Russia over Syria... while on holiday)

Maybe with this?

Ed:  what happened?

Well, we can rule out an electrifying thought process, I'm sure.

Please do fasten your seat belts and move your tray tables to an upright position.  There may be some turbulence ahead.

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