Friday, April 7, 2017

Dagwood Bumstead Started America Toward Dietary Ruin

Dagwood Bumstead, the Once and Future King of American Gluttony

Dagwood Bumstead was also one of the original leaders for the celebrity cause of ineffectual husbands with all-knowing wives.  He could say whatever he liked but Blondie knew he was an idiot.

He's the one, mates.  It was fucking Dagwood who started all that.

The symbol bugs me because of the American Gluttony contests all over the place and much more so now after two people croaked in different contests within hours of each other last weekend due to that obscene pastime.

Don't you go out and do that this coming weekend.  Didn't Mama raise you better than to choke on a fucking hotdog?

A hotdog is one of the foods most likely to cause choking so, wtf, let's have a contest to see how fast people can eat them.

Choking is one of the scariest things for any of us.  As soon as we hear something which even might be close to someone choking, we freeze to be sure.  We know action from us may be required or that person is going to die as in right now.

These contest people just toy with that and, fuckin' hell, this is crazy.

Dagwood, do you fucking see what you started?

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