Friday, April 7, 2017

America Announced How Many Cruise Missiles Launched But Not How Many Reached Targets

We have heard a great a deal about the success of America's latest idiocy in Syria.  There were fifty-nine cruise missiles launched, you know.  It was a glorious show of strength for the more easily titillated troupers in the tale.

Yep, that happened ... but only twenty-three of them made it to their targets.  (Metro:  Less than half US missiles fired at Syrian air base reached their target)

Less than forty percent of them even worked.  It didn't look like those which did get through did much of anything to the hardened bunkers.  Pfft.

Mitch McConnelled summed it up as brilliantly as he's capable of doing.  (RT:  Russians 'not our friends' says GOP Senate leader, praising Syria strikes)

Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) praised President Donald Trump’s “well-executed” strikes against a Syrian military airbase. He also called the Russians “not our friends” and shrugged off concerns about lack of congressional authority.

- RT

Anything that infantile almost couldn't come from anyone else.

Maybe that just wasn't moronic enough for you but, don't worry, we have the ever affable Brian Williams to make a raging fool of himself.  (RT:  MSNBC’s Brian Williams reviled online for describing cruise missile strike as ‘beautiful’)

We need to buy that brain-damaged buffoon a thesaurus or a cerebral transplant or both.  Given Williams' batting average for truth, forty percent successful probably does look beautiful.

Just in case you think Senators have even the faintest idea of anything which is really happening, one of them asks which of us are under surveillance.  (RT:  US lawmakers want to know how many Americans under surveillance)

That moron must recuse himself when it comes time to criticizing anything Edward Snowden has done since he obviously never read a word of it when Snowden revealed they're surveilling all of us all the time and they never stop for court orders.

Unknown what they feed the political plankton in Washington but it couldn't possibly be news.


Anonymous said...

No boxer ever admitted that his opponent hurt them either. So Russia claiming little damage was done is par for the course.
Just as America claiming it was 100% effective.
Those same cruise missiles were very effective in Iraq.
The Russians claiming not a single plane was hit nor a single strike on the runways.
Clinton didn't need congressional authority to strike Khadadffy
Politics aside the strike reports are speed by tHe side reporting

Unknown said...

That's not what they claimed since it was six or so Mig-23s destroyed and belonged to Syrians. Russia said they will replace them.

We really have no idea of how well they work when we only see the news filtered. Maybe half of them ended up in the ocean that time as well ... who knows. I notice you never hear about smart bombs anymore.

Washington needs to show me a whole lot of truth before I'll accept any of it as true. They have been failing for too long. It's not political but rather about who lies and who doesn't.

Anonymous said...

They said the planes hit were of no consequence since they were in a repair depot.
Instead of replacing them, Russia should considered what they were used for. But they won't, looks like they will continue the support of Assad even when he continues to poison his own including children
How is this different than Iraq or Afghanistan

Unknown said...

I haven't said any of it is different and nothing improved in Iraq or Afghanistan so what difference is this intervention in Syria supposed to make now beyond killing another strongman and reducing another country to rubble.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he intends to turn this into a war. But rather set rules of engagement ie don't gas kids and ask Putin to corral his puppet.

Unknown said...

Maybe it has some symbolic value but it didn't do much beyond that since the airfield was operating again the same day. Calling Assad a puppet doesn't register much when America so much enjoys creating puppets of its own. It looks a lot like Washington is pissed because he's Moscow's puppet rather than theirs.