Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Isle of Man - Most Dangerous Motorcycle Race in the World (video)

There is zero crash exploitation in this video and the edits are tight and fast.  It's exciting to watch and, again, there is zero crashing although the danger of the race is not overstated.

The road course at the Isle of Man is 37.2 miles per lap and there's nothing else like it in the world.  There's GP bike racing but this is a whole different order of insanity.  I was fast and Lotho was much faster on two wheels but there's no chance I would have pushed this speed and I doubt even Lotho would have pushed it this hard.  He did take some GP track training and that's when he decided, nope, maybe pro racing isn't such a good idea.

Lotho could tell it so much better but, to hear him tell it, you won't be competitive in GP motorcycle racing unless you're fine with both wheels locked at once and you're sliding.  This isn't drifting to impress girls with lots of noise and smoke but the real thing and as dangerous as a motorcycle ever gets.

With someone who is really good with a four-wheel drift in racing, you will hardly notice they are doing it because it loses too much speed to do it for long.  It's a balance you hit at the apex of a corner and you hang on the edge of hell ... but it is soooo grand.

Fine ... so now do that on two wheels.

All together now:  no way in hell!


Anonymous said...

This dudes are a totally different level of riders. If a GP riders slides he rarely gets seriously hurt as there is nothing to hit. These guys are feet from rock walls riding balls out.
I was a decent rider these are the best of the best
PS those cutout in the tank are not for thier knees it where they fit thier COJones

Unknown said...

I thought you might dig this one, particularly that it's not hovering over crashes but going for the pure excellence of really high speed. Yep, those guys have cojones the size of which mortals will never know!