Thursday, March 3, 2016

Insulting the Electorate to Get Hillary Clinton Elected

Right off the top, it won't work.

There's only one rule in my own little world and that's no dirty fighting.  This is what permits discussion with Kannafoot who is an arch-conservative and we are easily capable of turning each other into thin-sliced turkey meat but there's not a large payoff in that except for minor social network gamesmanship.  The above was originally for Facebook but that also works well with Lotho.  Keep it high up and we can talk about almost anything as his views are opposed to mine in some ways as well.

Something which sets this apart from the rest of Facebook is we ask questions of each other and that's exceedingly rare inside that twisted world.

Knowledge gets respect here and Kannafoot is well-versed at an unbelievable level of detail about the Catholic church and its history along with an extraordinary detail of knowledge of American history.

In the longest-running friendship of my life with the Cadillac Man, he's a graduate historian and we talk frequently on the matter because it's a passion for him and age brings interest in history which youth often does not bestow.  His focus has been upon the Reconstruction however lately quite a bit it's been on Alexander Hamilton from the earliest times, whereas Ronald has an exceptionally comprehensive knowledge of history worldwide.  Pink is another and I have known him since sixth grade which is definitely the record in my life.  He doesn't parade his knowledge but his insights into things clearly reveal his background study.  As with Kannafoot, his knowledge wasn't obtained under a degree as his real work was as a submariner (long way back).

Elsewhere, I'm getting insulted all over the place regarding my position on voting for Clinton and that's hardly an effective method of discussion.  For many, it's not worthy of a response because they're uninformed so I flip them off and move along.

If they were informed, there wouldn't be a question of Clinton and any idea I will follow the lead of the slave states from Super Tuesday is ridiculous fantasy.  I'm in Texas and I know it's not as loaded with racists as it seems but it does not comport itself that way and neither do the others.  Lotho lives in Tennessee and he's not even close to a racist but you could not tell that by the behavior of that state either.

With Clinton, it's a lot like Christian missionaries except they don't typically start insulting if they don't get what they want.  If that's the crew Clinton has attracted then she has no value in any case.

(Ed:  they may kill you instead of insulting you!)

Yah, that's a hazard but the missionaries are usually in Africa.

Hopefully you all can see the arrogance in assuming I have not studied Christianity, politics, and American history in some detail and I refuse to stand by while profiteers bastardize the system.  If you do that, insulting me because I won't is rather less than adult.

My position is in part but a strong part that what happened to me must never happen to anyone else.  My situation cannot be fixed and it's cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars and practically everything I own.  In fact, Kannafoot saw what was left of me after the illness the insurance company used to cancel me and that was even before the surgery to replace my shoulder.  They canceled me and everything fell apart.

Welcome to America.  That wouldn't have even been possible in most other developed nations of the world.

Note:  that was Liberty Mutual insurance and that was another prize example of barefaced arrogance.

No, I will not now nor will I ever vote for anyone who supports the insurance system.  In short, my vote won't help me but it must help someone or I have to reason to cast it.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to disagree. I am a racist. I truly hate insurance companies. Almost all lawyers even though many are my long time friends
I have never met a politician with a problem that I couldnt solve with the oak tree out back
And last of all my fascist background comes out as I despise lazy stupid people. Society should issue a license to allow reproduction hell you need one to drive

Anonymous said...

Dont worry I am not allowed to vote

Unknown said...

I have zero problem with taking the vast majority of pols to the oak tree. You sound almost Heinlein but I don't think he was such a racist. Unknown for sure on that.

And, yah, just for completeness. Racism is bullshit.

As to a license to reproduce, I loathe the state in control of anything but that one is tempting. That would have solved the Duggar problem right quick. (larfs)