Tuesday, September 13, 2016

When Freaks Get Chimerical

Chimerical is the Word of the Day and it says freak show from start to finish since freaks love fireworks.  Spark up a spliff and kick back on a hillside to watch fireworks?  It's going to be "Smoke on the Water" all night with that crew.

Note:  check out all the stoners trying to clap their hands to the beat and not getting anywhere near it. No matter, it's happenin'.

And a brief word to Jon Lord ... we are so not worthy.

On that loud note, may I present Lotho the Exploder, a freak who doesn't just get off on fireworks but wires them electrically to trigger the biggest show he possibly can.  Welcome to chimerical because it means nothing whatsoever but it feels so grand to do it, see it, feel it.

It's all about gettin' jiggy with the Groove Master and then blow it all the fuck up.  Holy shit, did you see that one!

Of course I saw it, the whole sky blew up!

That was so Tennessee in the country because he blew up enough stuff to be a one-man gang war but no-one said anything and some came to watch where they were completely diggin' it.

Ladies and gentlemen, Lotho the Exploder.  Give it up for the Tennessee Fireworks King.

Everything looks trivial if you don't understand it but underneath is the "Child in Time"

If that didn't bring fireworks then focus, Bilbo, the Power is in the Ring.

Maybe the Mystery Lady finds the fireworks.  Maybe she has a friend with a houseboat and it will be at the Riverfront in Cincinnati in time for the WEBN fireworks.  Maybe she says, 'heya, wanna get chimerical on the river?'

WEBN has been doing this show for eons and it attracts a million people.  Hanging with a million people on each side of the river isn't even close to attractive to me but the houseboat was in the middle of the river with the fireworks going off directly overhead.  This is the kind of chimerical which goes into things which don't have words.

Just kick back for one of the biggest fireworks shows in the country, maybe even the world, and the barrage of aerial bombs at the end of it will make you think B-17s are overhead.  Unbelievably loud, thunderous, explosive.  You have missed it for this year but they will do it again next Labor Day.

Mystery Lady, I sure hope you remember that one as I remember grandeur and such a wonderful thing to share.  KA-BOOM!

(Insert a grandiose bit on things don't have to be practical to have value)


Anonymous said...

Ask Lotho about swimming against the current in the middle of the river while spent fireworks are falling on the boat. AAAAAAh those were the days! Andy

Unknown said...

I do remember that one and seeing more power boats than I ever saw at one place before. That's definitely the cool way to do it .... unless you're trying to fight the current to get to the boat. Those were some crazy times, finest kind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that was an oh fuck what do I do now moment And then the boats started moving also
Somehow you all got me back in the boat or my rotten flesh would be catfish food

Unknown said...

I'm not sure how you came to be in the water in the first place but I always had the thinking it was a wtf moment which didn't go quite according to plan. All of a sudden, the water got to be a seriously dangerous place to be. The original estimation remains it's a miracle any of us survived.

Anonymous said...

That was aboard "The Belle of Richmond" sitting on the top deck--I remember actually feeling like I should duck as they cam down because we were sitting practically underneath them! Wonder whatever happened to G and M?

Unknown said...

I didn't realize until now we were on such an auspicious ride! The part I remember the most is that barrage at the end as even a rock band can't bring that kind of firepower no matter how many fifty-amp fuses their kit needs.

Unknown about G & M but I hope they're up to some cool mischief somewhere!