Monday, September 14, 2015

Narcissism versus Nuclear Weapons, What Matters to You

Noted multiple times here is the fact of three thousand live nuclear weapons in the world, all of which have payloads of at least three megatons and which, in aggregate, have the capability for nine thousand megatons of explosive force.  Tsar Bomba was the largest nuclear weapon ever exploded above ground and it vaporized an area of at least fifteen miles diameter and did frightful damage over  a much greater radius ... and that was just one.

There a hundreds of thousands of refugees in motion around the world, some due to war, some due to economics.  Many of them die in trying to escape and almost all will face starvation somewhere along the road.  If they survive all that, they will face beatings from PEGIDA as they demonstrate white supremacy.

Major economic disparities exist within America and with the world in the context of fair taxation, trade balances, trade agreements, etc.

There is active combat in too many places and there is the potential for even more in Ukraine and in the China Sea.

In sum, these problems are formidable and possibly overwhelming.

So, fuck that, let's hear about Kim Davis and the nothing events since the last time there was a story on her.  Let's ensure refugees keep dying because there isn't enough attention on the means to save them.  Let's hope someone will use those nukes because they don't get much attention even from the most responsible politicians.  And, what the hell, let's just give everything to the rich as that will settle the economic problem immediately.

Meanwhile, let's talk about someone who struggled to get out of high school and will never accomplish anything of any significance in her life.  She set her sights on being a loser and she went to the perfect place to ensure she remains one.  Naturally, this is front-page news.

To facilitate the matter, let's find someone who was nothing as a governor and was even more incompetent as a preacher, Mike Huckabee.

The important matters of the world don't matter, babyyyyyy.  It's all about me, me, me.

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