Monday, September 14, 2015

Kim Davis Could Be Vice-President, Huckabee's Sex Slave, Sell Mary Kay Cosmetics

Vice-President:  Kim Davis could handle this job as they don't have to do anything and no-one complains.  No-one even wants the Vice-President to do anything.  There is another advantage insofar as she can continue giving speeches but she won't gain audience as no-one ever listens to Vice-Presidents any more than people listen to her.

Mike Huckabee's sex slave:  Being Huckabee's illicit sex slave is another job position she could handle as we have no doubt she could do just as little in that job as she does in this one only in that position there would be little to no demand she ever do her job.

Mary Kay Cosmetics:  we really don't know what they do as the one confirmed power of Mary Kay Cosmetics is they mean men will never go near you.  In view of Kim Davis' previous history, she could probably use some of this stuff.  Of course she will never sell any of it because ... she won't work.

Highway Worker:  she will at least have to put the rubber orange highway markers on the road and collect them at the end of the day but highway workers don't do anything for the rest of the day so this could be a good compromise for her.

Highway Flag Person:  since she spends all day waving flags now perhaps this employment possibility would be acceptable.

(Ed:  sounds too much like 'fag')

Good point.

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