Friday, September 18, 2015

Have a Cigar - The Clinton / Blitzer Puppet Show - Updated Regarding Corbyn

There was no point in tuning in to the interview as Wolf Blitzer is one of the most obvious stooges on network news and that, presumably, is why Clinton picked him.

Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high,
You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try; they're gonna love you.

Clinton maybe talked about her tits and how she raised hamsters when she was a kid when she wasn't doing volunteer work at a hospital.  We don't know, we don't care.

What we do know is the Clinton Super Pac with all its millions is going after Bernie Sanders in an attempt to destroy him with the standard GOP characterization of Kill the Socialist.  That's been the GOP theme since the 50's and those simple bastards so love cover songs, over and over and over and over.

Clinton is trying to associate him with Jeremy Corbyn (WIKI) expressly to establish some socialist conspiracy and that's the same type of low ball politics we see from Republicans all the time as they play to morons who don't know what socialism means or that America has been socialist for at least seventy years. 

She only assassinates herself in denigrating Corbyn's position as it proves her right-wing slant and, in trying to assassinate Sanders, she shows she is not worth saving.  Throw her in with the girls running on the GOP team as she belongs with them.  Maybe that spineless wimp, Donald Trump, will call her beautiful too.

And Pink just asked, "Was she wearing a blue dress for him?"

Note:   if Clinton had half a brain in her head, she would know one of Jeremy Corbyn's positions is the renationalization of the British railway service.  Amtrak looks like a corporation but the Fed owns all its stock.  In other words, in this respect America is more socialist than England.  The same is true with the Postal Service as Cameron sold off the Royal Mail a year or two back.  (Railway services were privatized in the 90's.  Surprisingly, Thatcher didn't do it but rather it was Major, the Tory drone who followed her.)

Maybe if Clinton did a little less eating and a little more reading, she might actually know the material and be something other than a Republican.  Until that happens, she is lying every time she calls herself a Democrat.

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