Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Stalker Returns ... But It Doesn't Matter - Rated X

Every time the Stalker appears, it's a harbinger of death.  Something breaks or gets stolen, someone dies, etc.  This has been consistent for years and started the second day I ever met this person.  There was an overt notification about a month ago to let me know the Stalker is watching me.  That was deliberate and there was no other reason for doing it.

Some weeks later, Cat's computer broke and she's been down for four days now.  That's never happened in the years I've been with her.

Various other things happened which you don't need to know, none of them good.

It's not that the Stalker has any overt power but rather this is the Necromancer Cat means when I refer to one in my song ... but that's not the Necromancer I mean because that one doesn't suck out souls and eat them like Doritos.   The Stalker is the locus of attraction for necromancer waves, the most negative in all metaphysics.  It's like radioactivity, except it's not.  But no-one understands that either.

(Ed:  we can blow shit up with it)

Well, that's useful, isn't it.

There's a ritual with Australian aboriginal people in which they point a bone through some tribal process.  If the bone points at you then you will die.  Apparently they do.  I assume they wander off into the Australian desert rather than suddenly being struck by lightning ... but I haven't seen the ritual.  Over some years I've been living it, tho.

The appearance of the Stalker was a huge part of moving the Circus away from anything I touch as the Stalker can only destroy things through me.  This blog is destroyed but it doesn't matter as people didn't support it or the music anyway.

If you are not familiar with Destroyers in life, I hope you never get that way.  They do exist and they get off on it.  Harry Harrison wrote about Berserkers and these were intelligent machines which flew around in space with no purpose other than killing all life.  Same thing.  Saveme Oh is a low-rent version it too.

The only defense against Destroyers is the Russian slash and burn retreat.  Let the enemy starve and / or freeze.  It makes you look like an idiot but you stay alive and the enemy doesn't.  Saveme comes to my show and the music stops immediately.  Destroy it now, dipshit.  Take a bow but no-one will see it.

Roxy Geller did a stellar smackdown of Saveme Oh after Oh had trashed a musical set at her venue and there has been combat with Roxy in the past but she gets a major hat tip for this one.  It was absolutely priceless.

In actuality, the blog is not destroyed, Cat's not dead, and her computer is working again as I was notified of it when I first came online this morning.  The Stalker was once the most deadly and destructive force I ever encountered but apparently that power is waning (church bells start ringing).

The suicidal aspect was real as I was fully-prepared to get a gun and blow my head off on a live YouTube stream with only the message, does this satisfy your teenage heart.  Let the Stalker carry that vision into the middle of the night and enjoy the turnaround, sunshine.

Yes, I know that hurts you and Cat most of all and that's the only reason I didn't do it.  Everything burned.  I do not ever want to see this person's name or hear of it in any way.

That is fair warning, Stalker.  Leave me the fuck alone.  I have nothing to lose by destroying you which I wouldn't have lost anyway.

(Ed:  that's vicious)

Show me the Galactic Peace Tour and tell me again about vicious.  There will be no forgiveness.

(Ed:  you suck as a preacher)

No shit.  Didn't even save one ten-dollar soul.  It was a dumb idea to believe there's a soul anywhere around here which is worth ten dollars anyway.  They call a Muslim kid a terrorist for making an electronic clock.

I still may do the interview with Satan as I do believe that could be funny.  There's not much incentive to do it as getting hammered and watching movies is one hell of a lot easier.  There aren't that many sci-fi movies worth watching, tho.

I also want to do a bit as a senile KKK guy as I thought maybe I could find a cheap old guy costume at Wal-Mart and then do a bit with this guy saying stuff like, "I know I hated something ... I jes don't 'member what it was."

Rats ... they're sleeping right now and the bedroom is right next to this room.  Otherwise, I would go for recording that right now.  To do it all-out I would need some Klan regalia but I'm not willing to do that or tolerate its presence anywhere around me.  I could see doing it in a professional production to absolutely ridicule them but not on a personal basis for an individual set.  I don't have to explain it, you know what I'm saying already.

Recent events alienated a lot of freeloaders and they left.  So what.  The blog is not destroyed unless I am destroyed.  Freeloaders are a dime a million.  Let them go back to what they do best:  eating.  Hope Jessica Valenti still fits in the tight jeans she brags when she talks about feminism.  She might even be funny when she's not writing stupid shit for The Guardian.  In fact, I knew a librarian who was a walking tombstone at work ... but ... at a party she was a riot and I mean falling down funny.  It's not that she got drunk and loose but rather she was and I hope remains a funny woman.  (Linda, you know who you are.  I hope you're enjoying the ride now as much as you were then.)

Linda taught me nothing is ever really funny without a hat.  Look at Pope Francis as he can make you laugh just standing there ... and he knows it.

Cat's Art MusikCircus blog is rapidly moving up from good to excellent.  There's no intention to abandon writing about the MusikCircus here and, now that Cat has returned, we can talk about design for what she wants for it rather than what I think she might want.  The general design going into it was to set up a resource in which a lot of information about the MusikCircus and the performers can be found quickly and which is an independent network entity.  That could get confounded by a series of articles ... so we talk about design.

Note to self:  second blog with dynamic information (e.g. performances, changes, etc) which is linked to the Cat's Art MusikCircus blog.  Problem to solve is Ithaka frequently has non-musical material and I don't like seeing that linked on Cat's Art MusikCircus blog so best to use a different one for reviews, etc.  That also permits an author list so other contributors can add them.  There's no chance I will permit that on this one.

Barring notes to self, Show Reviews written here will still be accessible from the Cat's Art MusikCircus blog because this blog is on the blog roll for that one, as is Min Avatar heter Apmel.  That should provide the most flexible and convenient linkage and it didn't really change anything all that much except in the background.  The tabs are all the same in My Duck Soup, they just don't go to Duck Soup anymore.  The MusikCircus page is still on My Duck Soup but trying to open it will just bounce you to Cat's Art MusikCircus blog.   If by some magic you can open it then the tabs on the Circus page on Duck Soup will ... da da ... I believe you already know the rest of this.

That's systems programming and ... takes a (cough) humble bow ... this wasn't such a bad trick as spectacular things happen and no-one has to change anything.  For bad systems programming, check out just about anything on the Internet as things change for no apparent reason, things stop working, etc, etc.

I'm still worth six figures but doing it is out because I can't take the pressure.  The work is effortless but the pressure comes from the dumbest motherfuckers you could find without turning over a rock.  A phrase guaranteed to send my blood pressure up twenty points every time is 'help me understand.'  On those words, my machine gun goes on full-auto and I'm firing it Rambo style so I can fire another one with my other hand.  You Are Wasting My Time, Bitch.

Help me understand.  Kee-rist.  Do I look like a fucking teacher?  Did someone call me Mr Chips?  Come prepared or stay the fuck home.  My business was with warriors and not with fucking clerks.

I have seen a man in such deep trouble with a computer worth millions of dollars and used by thousands of people.  He was huddled over an IBM console trying to bring the system back up after he changed something and he was soaked with sweat through every inch of clothing.  That's the computer warrior stuff as he was the only one on the planet who could fix it without an incredible period of downtime so you do it or your ass will be sleeping in a bus station tomorrow night.

Happily, I can report his ass did not end up in a bus station.  Apparently mine will ... but not yet.

It's not that I'm so damn smart but rather fuckwits are so damn stupid.  Presumably you are not a fuckwit so how come I wound up with all these fuckwits instead of hanging out with you.  Tell me I didn't screw that pooch to Mars.

I was so much lost in the dark side of management that my days were often wall-to-wall meetings, many of them with such bird-brained fuckwits that I'd want to scream in the street for mercy.  Now that I think of it, the same thing cracked me ol' Dad.  When he moved from professor to department head, it busted him all up.  I wasn't trying to emulate what he did as, in fact, I was trying to do the opposite ... but it still came out the same.  The Attack of the Fuckwits will take you down, big boy (larfs).  That which kills them in fuckwittery they make up by their numbers.

Note:  no-one in all the history of warfare ever hit anything firing machine guns that way ... sure looks cool, tho.

Quick flash of the King of the Fuckwits as he was some ginger bozo who spoke really fast to impress with his phenomenal mind power and he used slang like he was on MTV.  While he spoke, my only thinking would be, "Hey, asshole.  You think you're playing the Gardens or what?"

Yea, I'm down.  I'm down WITH it.

Fuck you.   How's that for slang, King of the Fuckwits.

Note:  I heard his head got sucked into a network router and ended up in Singapore.  They're not sure where the rest of him went.  No-one looked too hard, tho.

If some bizarre sense of masochism leads you to screw with mainframes, know the thing which was most valuable to me was lack of fear of them.  They were always just machines.  Even when the system is worth millions of dollars, it's the same.  They go up, they go down.  Tinker, tinker.  They go up, they go down.  I told my boys, probably enough times for nauseum, that it didn't matter that the place was a bank and zillions of dollars were flying around the world.  From the standpoint of the operating system, it might as well be making marshmallows; it makes no difference.

Know also my whole crew was outsourced to IBM and that's marginally good but it goes both ways that IBM is American but it's also global.  I suspect this was a battle lost for a colleague with whom great things were built but that's not a conversation either of us really needs because there's a much larger change in the world.

Note the lack of immunity as these boys are high-ticket, big system players, they weren't just sitting around making Web pages on PCs, etc.  I don't know what became of them as there has been little contact and I haven't looked at much of anything about mainframes since I walked (i.e. staggered) away from them.

The lack of contact is a bit disappointing as I tried to even up wage disparities created by the previous boss but I really couldn't tell anyone much of it.  Maybe they didn't even realize.  That would make it the best deed of all ... but it still sucks (larfs).

Onward to something.  Unknown what.

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