Saturday, September 19, 2015

Senile KKK Parody Can't Happen

When this guy is some Grim Wizard or such in the Ku Klux Klan and he's senile, then this is an implicit absolution for him in that he doesn't remember what he did.

There was initially the thought to parody him because he remembers hating something but doesn't remember what it was.  That could play out to some funny stuff but underlying that is that implicit absolution.


Here's one reason why:

Some regard this as racist but I hear the finest and most accurate tribute from someone who was a real friend.  Billy Crystal shows some facial moves which may be offensive but I don't know.  What I do know is the truth of the words as I live some of them, try to live others.  (The video keeps the same static image, it's audio only).

When things are exploding in multiple directions at once, hearing this makes a difference as he survived it.

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