Friday, September 18, 2015

The Salvation of the Rockhouse Defense Force

Salvation does not refer to religion but rather rescuing the Rockhouse Defense Force, four cats who are the most vicious little rat killers you'll ever meet.  While we really don't know if they are vicious rat killers, we know they are qualified as nothing, except maybe Dick Cheney, enjoys killing things as much as cats.

The problem to solve was Toby the Dog discovered a way to break out but I couldn't find how he was doing it.  There were several Eureka incidents in finding something which just had to be the way out ... but blocking them didn't even slow him down.

There were two problems which came from Toby the Dog escaping.  The first was Frank or, more accurately, Francine the Buster.  She was going to take him away and I saved him that time but he had no collar so he would have been dead meat as soon as he was gone.  Somebody must have complained as Francine was a cute little number and I don't imagine she drove out here for her entertainment.  I screwed up, tho, as I should have suggested she take away the guy across the street with the boombox and the motorcycle.

Note:  I don't know if he has a collar.

(Ed:  Toby the Dog or the guy with the motorcycle?)

Evel Knievel over there.  (I don't know if he's drunk or stoned or what but he's been missing gears, too slow shifting, revving the motor too high, etc, etc.  No way he's going to listen to me when he probably wouldn't believe I ever rode but that kid is going to get dead behaving like that.  I really hope he doesn't but you know how it goes.  Or maybe you don't, hopefully you don't, but I've left my share of blood on the road.)

So, I tell him, Toby, they're going to kill you, man.  You've got to be cool or they will snuff you.  Listen to me, buddy.  Stay not dead, if you would.  You're a crazy little fucker but I like you.

Sure as hell, two minutes later and he's outside again.

The second problem with him escaping is that he's terrified of just about everything ... except cats.  He constantly was screwing with the Rockhouse Defense Force and it was pissin' me off as don't you screw with my li'l rat killers out there.  He didn't listen to that either.

So today was the Eureka moment which counted.  There was an impossibly narrow gap in a gate but somehow he forced himself through it.  Prior to that I had started acting like an asshole with him.  After he would escape, he would expect me to let him back inside after I put out food and water in the morning.  I stopped doing that as I decided if you're clever enough to find a way out then you can be clever enough to get your way back inside.

That didn't happen so the way out had to be difficult but I could not fookin' figure out how he was doing it.  Meanwhile, Yevette put his collar back on him and I told her after a while that may not have been such a good idea.  He's so determined to get himself snuffed and there's no money to bail him if they catch him so all that gets is a fine and he still gets snuffed.  The collar stayed on as the final was leave it and maybe the money can be found somewhere.  No collar and he's snuffed for sure.

What do you know, a happy ending this time.  Toby the Dog is back with his chow and his fresh water but without an escape route.  The chow bowls for the Rockhouse Defense Force are back where they were supposed to be.  Hopefully the RDF will return as one didn't leave and another is in the area but two evaporated.

Relax.  They didn't die.  Did you ever see a dead cat outside somewhere?  I never did.  Cats don't die unless you keep them inside.  Outside they are probably immortal.

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