Saturday, September 12, 2015

"Sometimes People Worry" (poem)

Through many things which happen,
all raise up some concern
it's all in where you focus
and the many things you learn
as rocks turn into boulders
and things smoldering will blaze
but the measure of the moment
is the hope you try to raise.

It's such a lovely, gentle thing,
sitting reading,
before a fire
In thinking you will travel
and here you will retire
but you know your strength is standing
and you would if you could bear
the weight of all those years
and the price of all those dares.

As long you can,
you find that strength,
take any turn,
go any length,
as here the greatest freedom lies
in strength it stands,
it nobly flies
in song and dance and riot of paint
which tells of life,
love song's refrain
This is the search for freedom
this is the finest prize.

Unknown if that's final.  Almost certainly will review it again before deciding.

Note:  without detail, playing is difficult.  There was a thirty-minute set on Thursday and I saw Cat so, hey, let's ride.  This time it went forty-five minutes and I was playing only for Cat.  It's a great thing to play for her and not feel like I missed anything.  I didn't.  Having a full audience there is good fun but, so long as you don't need them to be there, Second Life can be a lot more fulfilling.  For me that fulfillment comes as I know Cat wants the music pushed out as far as it can possibly go so I don't have to play things hoping someone has heard it before.  That makes it tremendously fulfilling for me.  Take it anywhere, just don't suck.

There is news on one worrisome thing as the teeth were in NFW status but it turns out the expense may be radically less.  I still don't have it but the status changes to IBP (Improbable But Possible).

There are alarming things which will happen in this time.  Cadillac Man has exactly the same thinking as he wants to get on with it, no time to waste.  At this age, if you hold any one pose for too long, the next will be horizontal.  That motivation will keep him alive and playing keeps me alive.  It works me out enough that my hair will be wet from getting sweaty.  This is not even faintly any cardio-vascular regimen but it damn sure ain't doing anything bad.  I don't even smoke that much.

Plus I broke a pick.  This shows more aggression and I like that.  If I'm not breaking picks, I'm a wimpy sissyboy even if some of the stuff played just now was highly sissy.  The irony is that's when you can least afford to be sissy as making a note without distortion requires a firm, decisive touch or it will sound thin and weak.  Making a distortion note sound bad-ass is close to effortless as many times I've got the guitar so hot it's only necessary to touch the string with one finger to make it sound.  So, to play sissy, you have to be more bad-ass then when you're, well, playing bad-ass.

No, it doesn't make sense.  Somewhere along the line you realize it's not supposed to make sense, not just for me but for anyone.  That's not sadness, that just means let it roll (lefty Unplugged song).

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