Saturday, September 12, 2015

London is Hottest in the World for Weapons Trafficking as They Sell to Anyone

No matter what kind of despicable, murdering sleazebag you are in your country and no matter what horrendous things you may have done and most likely will continue to do to other people, there's a place for you, somewhere a place for you.

Indeed, get thee hence to the London Blood Bazaar in which any person at all can buy any weapon he likes.  If you want aircraft, bombs, tanks, guns, we've got it all and as much as you could possibly want and, best of all, we don't give a flying fuck who you kill with it nor do we care how many.  Have a ball, just bring money, lots and lots of money.  (RT:  Bloody bazaar: Who’s buying at the London Arms Fair?)

Here is where many of the most evil people on the planet will go to do business and they do a lot of it.  Any single country may spend five or six billion dollars and many countries are represented.  There is more death dispatched from this single locus than any single military command.  These weapons go anywhere and they sell to anyone with the money to buy.

There's an ongoing pretense of morality in ostensibly selling defensive weapons and that facade has worked well for one of the largest and most despicable trades in the world.  Nicholas Cage was only a small-time arms dealer in his movie whereas the ones in London are the biggest in the world and they do their filthy weapons trafficking with the full blessing of the state which will reap a major fortune in taxes from it.

In parallel with this, David Cameron has sponsored his 'bedroom tax' because social benefits just cost too damn much.

As to the sleaziest country on the planet for it, England may well take the prize.  The U.S. traffics in weapons outrageously but it makes no secret of it except insofar as the White House frequently passes off weapons sales as 'foreign aid' since that makes it looks like they helped the sick, fed children, or some such.  That means they have short necks and they're creepy but it doesn't seem quite as bad as the indiscriminate sales taking place in London.

If there is any more whorish spectacle on the planet, it would be damn tough to find.

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