Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Drowning" (Englisch von Deutsch)

von "Ertrinken"   (Blog:  das Original)

America cries for its own
while others drown in the Med
and so they throw away their water.
It doesn't matter.  They can't see.

He sees his children
and his car,
and his house,
and his lawn.
All this is for me
and it doesn't matter
that I can't see more.

Sometimes she will write
of how her troubles are so bad.
Sometimes she has no cable.
Sometimes the wine is nothing.
and when her husband discovers her girlfriend
Oh, this is my tragedy.

That's not working
but that's the way you do it.
Just wiggle your fingers
and write poetry.
What is he writing?
He has a flat tire?
The tire is flat.
Oh, woe is me.

And now what he says,
My underpants are dirty
and my tire is flat
I have no cigarettes
and she has lost her shoe.
Oh, woe is me.

Oh, woe is me.

Note 1:  reference to dirty underpants is from a poem called "Marriage" by Who T.H. Cares.  (He's on YouTube if you're that bored)

Note 2:  reference to her lost shoe is "Jeanny" by Franco (YouTube w/lyrics)

Meanwhile Congress has cut off or is in process of cutting off benefits to 9/11 responders.  You heard about that from the GOP debate last night, right?  I'm sure they must be proud of what they do although why Congress would be proud of anything it does is a mystery.
(Huffington Post:  Jon Stewart To Walk Halls Of Congress With 9/11 Responders)

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