Thursday, September 17, 2015

Cat's Computer Seems to Have Failed

In the military they call this Intel but, out here in the real world, this is something I heard from some guy who is over there (i.e. the same way the military gets it but it means more when a general says it).

There's no clear detail as she has been down for 2.5 days and nothing other than a dead computer or a large earth movement would keep her from the Circus for that long.

And that's the problem as there's no possible way I can do it.  There's no money to pay land rental, stream rental, and, what would bug her most of all, tips for performers.

It was my judgment the best thing to do today was to cancel the shows because it was exceptionally unusual that she would be gone so long.  A bit of clarity seems to emerge so that leads to what's next.

I cannot tap into Cat's Circus Tip Jar because I have no access to it nor do I want to have access.  When the lindens do not come to me, I don't have any reservations about asking people to support her and I do.

My hope is Voodoo Shilton can play tomorrow night as I can be there to support it and I have the lindens to buy that recording for Cat as she would just hate it if she missed the show AND the recording.  That show I can cover and after that I'm completely skint but that gives two more days over the week-end for Cat to somehow get her computer fixed.

Note:  I do NOT know if Voodoo can play as he has personal stuff and he cannot always appear.  (Don't read anything into that as Lennon said it, "You make plans and then life happens.")

It's much better for performers if Cat is there.  She doesn't believe it but they play for her.

So, hopefully something can happen for tomorrow and perhaps there is more news between now and then.

And now we will call Wolf Blitzer to tell you what it means ... like hell we will.

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