Monday, October 10, 2016

Where's the Sci Fi in the Rock City

The mechanical aspect of creating the Rock City has to be as little sci fi as possible for the highest credibility that it's actually possible to do it.  I don't want to pull anti-grav or anything of that nature because it's currently too farfetched to be credible to anyone.  Physicists will figure it out eventually but there's not enough sign they're close to that to make it appropriate to use.

The sci fi or just the fi, if you like, comes in the Sociology since we're going to wreck the model of a consumer society.  Two of the biggest destroyers of personal finance are paying for a house and paying for a car.  We're going to wipe out both of those payments.

We will put the full responsibility for building the Rock Cities on the state and we don't care about money since that's another antiquated concept.  In this system, the state is just an administrator, all it was ever supposed to be, and definitely not just another power baron.

As you can see with the richest of the filthy rich, they don't do much with their money beyond hoarding it so any value is largely symbolic.  They use it only partly for its buying capability but mostly they use it for power alone.  We don't need those kinds of powermongers and they give nothing to the world, they only take.

Some of you may be furious right about this time but carry it through and what's your burning need for a money system anyway.  Almost all Americans have given their money powers to the banks in exchange for plastic cards and they rarely touch money.  The physical aspect of it is already obsolete but that wasn't a good exchange since it leaves you vulnerable to the vagaries of bank behavior.  Recall 2008.  We need a vastly better system than that.

Note:  the fastest way to go underground in America is to chuck the credit card and the cellphone.  If you go cash only and travel on buses, they will have no idea where you are.  I never get called for jury duty because the last time I got a driver's license was far enough back that it's expired and it's from a state where I haven't lived in years.

They have no idea where I am and I know use of this computer gives it away but you've got to be good to get that information and it's not my purpose to disappear altogether, it's just also not my purpose to be particularly visible.  Americans are dangerous and it's easily possible one of the stupids would put a bullet in my head for Ithaka.  They will likely have conniption fits over Manifest Destiny.  What we want to hear from that is, yes, America did some really shitty things in its history but we want to make that right.  Fair enough.  Let's do that and go on to make some greatness because it's not being too great now in denying the past.

The politics don't particularly interest me and I don't see them interesting any of the Kaninchen all that much.  Lotho isn't buying it with the Rock City but it's got his interest to respond and that's so much cooler than political dog fighting.  Maybe the Rock City is completely impossible but we won't actually ever know so we can screw with this one every way from Sunday.

Maybe you have read some magazine such as "Popular Mechanics" with predictions for the future from 1920 and have seen how absurd the predictions turned out to be.  This gives us an entirely free hand for absurdity and we like the absurdity of requiring politicians to have a duck on the head when they give speeches but we need to chap that down a little bit for this story.

The number of readers following with Rock City Saga has been great fun and greatly piques my interest in pursuing it further.  Likely all of you know the game that it's likely rubbish ... but what if it's not.


Anonymous said...

You cant say that we are eliminating housing costs. And that the state will manage this development.
This is more and more sci fi as you skip many steps. You are now eliminating the entire economic system also.

Unknown said...

Sure I can as it's not a good economic system anyway when it only benefits the rich. I don't have any problem with using sci fi to solve that kind of impossible problem.