Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Wake Me When I'm Famous

Queen Bee has the answer for how to deal with this never-ending clusterfuck of an election ... she split for Europe and lose the idea of being independently wealthy since she works for a major airline ... but not precisely at the moment.

The shot comes to us from Amsterdam and she must not have been blowing any of their famous ganja or she might have more of a smile.  She had a boomer of a smile when she was surrounded by monsters in an Austrian Christmas festival so we're puzzled.

We're also puzzled by the sign in English when she's in The Netherlands so, uh, gezellig!

Dutchies will proudly / smugly tell you there is no translation in English for 'gezellig' but it just needs more words.  Gezellig is when something is so fucking good you don't have to fucking tell anyone because, fuck, man, everybody already fucking knows.  When people look at each other and just smile ... yah ... gezellig.

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