Monday, October 31, 2016

Ontario Tries Another Way to Kill Welfare Programs

Unlike America, Ontario is trying a healthy way to kill welfare and this is through recognition there aren't enough jobs to go around and some people aren't capable of doing them anyway.  Therefore, we want to eliminate the creation of an immense artificial bureaucracy to dole out welfare for little more reason than the selfish disingenuous sanctity that imparts to those doing the doling.

We want a universal income such that those who do not find work or those who are not able will still be able to survive with no loss to their personal pride nor to their feeling of acceptance in their communities.  The object is to remove the stigma from those who do not work so we focus on the elevation of those who do since any employer knows you're looking for the job because you want to do it rather than you're motivated by the fear of welfare.

The Guardian:  Ontario pilot project puts universal basic income to the test

The idea of Universal Income is fundamental to the Rock Cities since we have run many articles from Ithaka regarding the advent of the Age of Robot Automation in which a whole packet of human jobs will evaporate only there won't be jobs building the robots since that will be automated as well.  That the jobs will go is a fundamental premise here and there's nothing to be gained by belaboring the point.

The idea is a fundamental tenet of Marxism and Socialism in that one will 'take according to need and give according to ability.'  In the Rockhouse observation, the more we stray from that the more confused we get about just what the hell we're doing and why we're doing it.

There's no need for Economic Philosophy 101 since we can see around the world stress due to lack of jobs and concomitant social dysfunction which comes from it.  The question comes, what will you do about it.

We're looking to Ontario and we have seen similar efforts with mixed results in providing housing for the homeless but that's an emergency provision rather than any real recognition of the bigger problem.  Ontario seems to see it so we dearly hope their model is effective.  We have no doubt of the fundamental Marxist principle but it's easy for frail humans to bork the implementation and it wouldn't be the first time.

Just as their ubiquitous tin soldiers are often wont to do, capitalist Republicans will feel every button on their boards was pushed since every aspect of this is anathema to them; they are guaranteed to react but not altogether too well.

- Insert gratuitous editorial on perennial ostrichism of Republicans -

As to why you want the Universal Income when you're one of the esteemed good guys who sought work and wanted to do it, there is one salient reason it's good for you that stands above the others.

Every dollar disbursed through any Universal Income has one guaranteed destination:  we will fucking spend it.  We still won't have enough to buy that pink Cadillac all the Welfare Mothers are said to have but we will buy the things we need and this is one hell of a lot of us.  The economy will love us and it's because we buy stuff.  The more we do it the better it gets for you.

Life becomes peaches for everyone and the richies stay richer than any imagination but they aren't quite as filthy richie rich as they were.  It will cause them no pain because, despite the bitching, we don't cost that much.  It doesn't even cost that much to feed every starving person in the world.

Ed:  if you get Kumbaya then ...

There is no fucking Kumbaya and that's the point.  It's work to make it happen and that doesn't include making excuses so it can't, dancing away from reality, and generally letting everything go slip sliding away while kicking back to eat richie bon bons.

Eat the fucking richie bon bons, fucking choke on them if you like, but first share a slice of the wealth and then everyone can kick back with a brand-new vibe none of us ever felt before.  Then kick up that Kumbaya but not before.

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