Tuesday, October 25, 2016

When Free Trade Bites the CEO's Ass ... Then It Becomes a Problem

There are many reasons for anger in the various ill-advised free trade agreements but there's also room for comedy when the CEOs get bitten by it as is currently happening in the manufacture of solar panels.

Use of solar power is soaring, but Europe's biggest solar panel manufacturer, SolarWorld, took the surprise step last month of cutting 500 jobs from its workforce of 3,000.

The reason?  Global sales are on track for a record year but prices are plunging due to a glut of supply.  That is encouraging the spread of clean energy but squeezing manufacturers, leading to politically sensitive job losses.

Note:  Associated Press is always credited where it's due because the organization is a non-profit, union outfit.  It's earnings have declined lately due to Rat Patrol news (i.e. CNN, Fox, The Guardian) frequently inventing fake news rather than presenting anything real.  It's the same result from the endless TV yap shows since they don't cost anything beyond a rack of flapjaws to do the yapping.

Chinese workers apparently make the solar panels better, faster, and cheaper than anywhere else so now there's the scream of unfair trade practices but who unleashed this in the first place.  The CEOs can weep all they like into their morning coffee as it only encourages me to add arsenic to it.

They did the same thing to Flint, MI,  and GM CEO Roger Smith skated on that one but now they scream like stuck pigs when it happens again and, woe is me, how could this happen.  Gee, it beats the fuck out of me.  How did it happen.

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