Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Captain Fantastic Would Give This Vicious Kid a Good Hiding

A 'good hiding' is something you never want to get but Logan deserves one for what he did to his mother.  Right off the top, we know we have a problem since kids with precious names are five times more likely to feel an elevated sense of entitlement which makes them feel justified in doing vile things.

(Ed:  bullshit!)

Yah, that part was but I still suspect it's true.  However, what he did is false in different way because he knocked out his mother with a hockey stick.  (RT:  22yo son knocks mother unconscious for not providing Taco Bell)

Logan Badgley did this vicious thing because his mother had no money available via her debit card.  He took it anyway to pay for his Taco Bell and was enraged when it would not work.  He's not only mean but stupid since she had told him that already.

When he got back home, he started beating her.  After he was arrested, he said he 'had been drinking' and he didn't want to say anything else about his side of it.  From the sound of that it sounds like he's trying to justify it and may not even believe he was wrong.  He even dodges responsibility in the mug shot when he doesn't face the camera.

(Ed:  give him a bloody good hiding!)

Right.  One he will never forget.  He lives in Shelby County, Tennessee, and I'm sure some rednecks would be happy to teach him how Tennessee rednecks treat their mothers and he will show her respect or they will be back.

The boy is twenty-two and freeloading off his mother who presumably raises him alone.  Ostensibly he's a man but he must not be working and he probably hardly ever gets laid since no-one will come home with him to his mother's place.  There doesn't seem to be a shred of self-reliance in him and beaters of any kind give men a bad name but one who beats his mother needs to be on the town square in the stocks so the townspeople can do with him as they will.  Let them teach him some respect.

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