Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Young Greens Endorse Jill Stein

Supporters of Jill Stein speak of the reasons she deserves the support.  People with other motives elsewhere only talk about why they will not vote for other candidates.  After completing a brief tour of Facebook, the only positive things were Queen Bee going show and tell with wandering about Amsterdam and some pics of genteel living in Scotland from a cuz.  Everything of a political nature was vilifying Trump but nothing gave a reason to support Clinton or Trump.

There were also some disconcerting questions from those defensive about anti-vaxx but those I know better than to engage.  It's the same as talking about Clinton as their minds are closed with election fever or Huckleberry Finn's brain fever ... unknown.  If you see butter running down over their ears, you will know.

My Facebook page has had minimal hits today whereas Ithaka is approaching a thousand for the day so go to Facebook for exposure, right?  (larfs)  It's rapidly approaching total insignificance as a large puddle into which the Mainstream dissolved.

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