Monday, October 10, 2016

Stall on Development of the Rock City to Figure Out How the Drilling Works

There are comments about the impossibility of the construction and we don't want to rely on a sci fi answer but it may be necessary.  For example, if your drills aren't good enough then invent some lasers to do it.  That may be the cop to continue with the project but we don't want to draw on that without exhausting other possibilities.  If the technology exists now then start tomorrow since otherwise we have to wait for an invention.  America is easily the most destructive country on the planet and any idea they can't come up with something simply to blow up some rock doesn't really even make sense.

We did note one project cited as a reason the Rock City is impossible is the Big Dig in Boston which has been one of the most colossal fiascos of infrastructural projects in recent memory.  The history of trying to build it goes back at least fifteen years and likely more but not considered in that objection is trying to do it inside a city is exactly the problem we're trying to solve since it's close to impossible to fix the cities, therefore make new ones.

The general objection is the almost unimaginable volume of rock which has to be dug out of the ground.  Well, fair enough as the numbers in the comments look accurate but all that means here at Project Headquarters is it takes longer.  If you've got a 'drill' which is bad ass enough, the rest of it is just putting in the time.

(Ed:  you're seriously going to bore out the Alps to make cities?)

Count on it.  The area is geologically stable and they bore them out frequently anyway just to make tunnels, some of which are quite long.

We flat out reject anything is impossible and we will rely on the parable about Thomas Edison in which each failure in making a light bulb wasn't regarded as a failure at all but rather discovery of one more way not to make a light bulb.

You may accept or reject whether the Rockhouse doesn't accept impossibility but consider Germany and America which historically never accepted the idea either.  Nothing is impossible, it just sometimes takes longer to figure out how to do it.

Note:  of course we include Germany with America, they're the same people.  Despite the protestations, both are Germanic tribes and share the same blood.  As we have seen, when Germanic tribes fight you're going to have a shitstorm like today we can't imagine.  Hardly any of us saw WWII but most have a fair idea of what a hellish time it was.  However, when Germanic tribes unite for a positive purpose, look out as some wildly creative stuff is going to follow.

(Ed:  getting a tad racist about Germanic tribes, aren't you?)

Not really since their histories are well-known and we submit there are fundamental cultural differences which may prevent this type of development in other tribes.  For example, the countries focused on Romance languages are not typically at the forefront of the world's advances.  Russkies are damn good but we have no idea which tribe spawned them.

African tribes haven't typically managed enough unity to reach that level, in large part because of colonial interference from multiple countries.  And so on and on as the intention isn't to convince anyone Germanic tribes are better since you can easily quote some outrageous examples in which they're not.  The Holocaust was one and Manifest Destiny with the slaughter of the Indians is another.

Regardless of all that, those Germanic cusses have demonstrated an almost unbelievable ability to build things up until they based their economies on 'services' and then they stopped building anything so the populace could kowtow to the banks.

Note:  America still does quite a bit of manufacturing but most if it seems to be in aerospace.  It's difficult to tell how much of that is military aerospace which we do not judge to have any value.  We're interested in builders not destroyers.

(Ed:  too much editorial.  We want to know how to move that rock.)

Right you are, matey, mate.  The only risk to anyone from this and it's a big one is falling rocks.


Anonymous said...

Also a,consideration is where to put the waste rock. So that you are creating strip mine style landscaping

Anonymous said...

I dont mean to sound like a naysayer but this is a massive venture for just one of thousands needed

Unknown said...

Go with being a naysayer as such questions need to be answered. My problem is with online fist fighting but that's a different thing and this is welcomed.

As to the number needed, that may be negotiable since if we get any good at drilling these tunnels then one of these could accommodate an enormous number of people. You're right there will still be a lot of them since the plan is global but there's no need to make all of the cities become Rock Cities. If the Rock Cities are any good, I suspect the old cities will be abandoned, largely because it's such a hassle to get around in them.

Unknown said...

At first I was thinking to build the equivalent of a Perfect North but bigger. There's going to be a whole lot more rock than that and building more Perfect Norths makes no sense so I need to come up with a better one on that. Moving it somewhere else would be even more difficult than boring the rock in the first place so I have a bit of a logistical problem with that one.

There's not likely a sci fi answer for that one as vaporizing the excess rock is way too Flash Gordon to be acceptable.