Friday, October 7, 2016

Making a Book Out of the Rock City Saga

There are nine or ten bits to the Rock City Saga in different articles on Ithaka and the easiest book is to lift them out of the blog to drop them as chapters into this estimable hypothetical tome.  That's not a book but at least it's contiguous.

There is no vision of a book along the line of "Brave New World" in which we will create a story within the Rock City such as Biff and Buffy's adventures in Paradise but a travelogue to describe the world is intriguing.  We're not even the lint between Aldous Huxley's toes but we can imagine things too.

Right now you haven't seen the color of it because I haven't painted it yet but the Rock City has to be live because humans need color.  It doesn't have to be like Carnival in Rio every day but we need colors.  Think islands since this vibe will be more tropical than cavernous.

Think tree-lined streets since the biggest variable for that is how clever we can be with artificial sunlight.  Judging by the number of illegal ganja growhouses in America, it appears we can be extremely clever with it.  We're not building a mine with narrow tunnels and a generally creepy vibe. We're going to go with twenty-foot ceilings just for the initial allocation for the floors and keep in mind we can go bigger if we reduce the number of floors and spread the Rock City laterally.

Think neighborhood markets as well since the day-to-day things we need are common with milk, bread, etc and things we really require to be fresh.  We still need large markets because consumerism won't die altogether.  Some will want gigantic televisions and some won't but, either way, the need will be infrequent.  We want to keep the neighborhood markets because they tie the tribe together and we like hanging out in them to catch the vibe of what's happening around.  That sort of thing goes back to when we were in trees.  America abandoned too much of the Old World and some of it we need to keep.  Part of the sociology of the future recalls the past.  It's not all about the Jetsons.

If we need bigger machines then we will fuckin' build them because humans are incredibly damn good at building manic machines for extreme purposes.  We build mining trucks already which are incredibly gigantic.

We really don't want the story of Biff and Buffy since much more we want an overview of the sociology because that aspect fascinates us.  If we will jack society then jack it to the Moon to see what it looks like.  Society is going to be jacked anyway because of the reducing availability of jobs and we want to anticipate and deal with that rather than quivering in fear.  A lotta, lotta things will change but it will be exciting like when we started building Moon rockets.  The whole world got lit for that.  What do you know, we became a space-faring species and hardly anyone believed that was even possible.

In fact, for all the talk of belief in the world just now, there really isn't much.  There has been a great deal of focus on personal belief while at the same time losing faith in the species to accomplish anything.  That's rubbish since we can accomplish magnificent things and don't even think about saying we can't afford it or risk the inevitable response, "Suck a new nuclear submarine, Admiral Goldfinger."

Humans built pyramids by stacking rocks on top of each other and you're seriously going to tell me we can't build this?  Pshaw.  It's rubbish as anything is possible so long as we don't blow the planet up first.

So maybe a book before there are too many bits that it becomes such a hassle I won't do it.  I would continue delivering Ithaka just as it goes but each article would get excerpted out and dropped into the book as I did with the ride from Greece to Scotland.  In that case I didn't start excerpting until I was back in America and that turned into a ferocious nuisance.

I'm liking the idea more but too lazy at this moment to start it.  The likelihood it ever will start is growing.  So I need a cool graphic for the cover.  I think it costs $30 to $50 for digital publication because an ISBN is required so that's a limiter but that's the last step anyway.

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