Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Feeling a Mite Poorly in the Rockhouse

Me precious bodily fluids have been exiting at a furious pace for about a week and anything which does not exit that way evacuates from the top.  The same situation has come back four or five times making tremendous weakness, tiredness, etc, etc.  Using any patent medicine to stop it is foolhardy but I know the severe risk of losing your precious bodily fluids, particularly to old coots.

Today some magic money copped some Omeprazole for a rescue by Yevette and so far that has helped to keep things down.  It's been working in using Boost as a protein drink since it's got gobs of protein and carries almost four hundred calories in each bottle.  Drinking two gives more calories than a Big Mac so ok, bring that.

I thought eating some salad would be a benign approach but that had explosive results and I think that freaked Yevette more than me.

It's just by luck I have an appointment at VA next week since they're difficult to get and I'll die before I would have done otherwise because of the way Republicans chiseled VA benefits.  I have no money for insurance so I have no civilian access to medical care.  The Affordable Care Act was just one more Washingtonian farce.

Republicans spend limitless money on creating wars but they spend as little as possible on veterans.  That kind of filth is usually something you scrape off your shoe.

The Rock City is hanging in abeyance as that project takes more thought than cranking out science articles or doing a show and tell with the bloods from way back in time.  That seemed to do splendidly today as almost a thousand people read Ithaka and that's the biggest day by some hundreds in weeks but it's still not my purpose as those ones try to be somewhat entertaining whereas the Rock City is an exploration of impossible things.

“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” - The Mad Hatter

Life seems to be running away at an increasing pace but that changes nothing for determination to produce.  I don't think I'm going to manage the Paul stunt since playing for you is a wee bit out of reach but that determination exists as well.  If I can pull it together, I'm going for it.

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