Wednesday, February 8, 2017

His Name Really Was Chip Monck. That's the Joke, See.

There were so many giggles about a chipmunk doing announcements at Woodstock but his name really was Chip Monck and he's the one with the warning about the brown acid.  (WIKI:  Chip Monck)

You probably didn't read the WIKI so, briefly, he was a lighting master through his long career and did the lights for some of the biggest shows in rock.

"To get back to the warning that I received.  You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish.  The brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that.  Of course it's your own trip.  So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?"

- Chip Monck at Woodstock

That was the glorious moment when all the people who had eaten the brown acid starting thinking they were gerbils trying to escape the tyranny of the forest overlord and ...

oh no, it's coming back again.   Aiiiiyyyyeeeeee!

I sucked at trippin' ... except when I didn't ... I still remember cars turning into icebergs and floating down Hosea Avenue the first time I took Orange Sunshine.

Timing never quite worked out for trippin' and guitar playin', at least not with LSD.  There was one time when I thought I had it in the bag.  I was trippin' hard and still had it together enough for some axe whackin' ... when all kinds of people arrived upstairs.

My parents were out of town and my sisters wanted to surprise them on their return so they organized a painting party in the living room which was quite large.  Whenever there's a painting party, everyone participates or will be forever regarded as a leper dog of no possible interest to humans.

So there I was, trippin' balls with a paint brush in my hand and the only question in my mind was who the fuck thought this was a good idea.

Meanwhile someone had The Babys on the quad and maybe it was Lotho who was saying someone should murder this simpering slime before he sings another note.

I think I was so tripped out by that point I was saying something like, nooooo, let them play what they want.

That should have been a clue ... someone remove the paintbrush from his hand immediately.

Let's have just a wee bit of fairness to the Silas on my error since they were painting the room with some flat white paint for the walls and a white gloss for the trim.  How in the entire realm of flesh-eating lizards is any trippin' fool ever supposed to tell those apart ... and there might have been a tiny mistake, just a little one, you know.

Ed:  painting the curtain was a bad idea

I didn't paint any damn curtain.  Ha!

That quickly finished my participation with the painting party but the guitar action didn't get started after that (sob).

There is no great tragedy since I got in plenty of trippin' times with the Galaxy Guitar and mushrooms.  That worked out just fine.  I did play a few live sets that way but I don't think any recordings remain.

But, you know, there's a warning on that brown acid.


Anonymous said...

Or maybe Lotho like the occasional cheesey band.
One of pleasures of having my daughters travel with me is the jukebox that they bring with them
Unlike my Dad, I allow them control of the radio. So with their phone sync'd to the stereo they beginning streaming music. Strange Fruit with Billie Holiday. The Dead Kennedys Perfect Circle. Vivadi' Four Seasons
Miranda Lambert Gunpowder and Lead Their knowledge of 70's punk bands is quite inspiring like you if they heard it they remember it
Thier musical taste are so diverse and the knowledge that goes with it is simply incredible. Which when you consider my lackadaisical care of music makes thier passion quite remarkable.
Music to them is as necessary as breathing.

Anonymous said...

The punk knowledge was helped by a 3 credit class on Origins of Punk taken during their university years
Many discussions originayed from that class

Unknown said...

I'm not immune to cheese and I've rolled enough of it here although I do try to keep some control over that.

The comprehensive focus in the young 'uns is interesting and one of the few I know with such diverse musical interests is Cat. I imagine she and the twins could keep each other busy, well, forever with finding new things.