Thursday, September 10, 2015

The GOP, Psychiatry, and their Search for Soma

Soma is the drug used to pacify the entire population in Aldous Huxley's seminal statement in a world of the future which the modern world now rapidly approaches.  George Orwell has a possibly better-known vision of a nightmare future in "1984" but the GOP and Ronald Reagan took it as a Field Guide and used it as a study manual for outfitting cop SWAT teams.

You've seen the carnage in human lives which has come from the above and the statistics are being tracked by one of the few news sources with the courage to address such information.  The Guardian has an advantage as they're in England and it's more difficult for the GOP to suppress them and it's much harder for GOP cops to shoot them.  Thus far this year, American cops have killed about eight hundred civilians.  (The Guardian is the same news source which carried the news about Edward Snowden, another subject American news sources were too stooge to carry.)

Note:  cops don't read, they shoot.  Most of them are ex-military after joining right out of high school.  They have had various kinds of training but they have had almost no education in that time.

You can see the proof of the above in endless badgering from people as to what Communism and Socialism mean.  These are some of the simplest yet most important concepts of the last century and most Americans do not know what they mean.  Thus, I submit training is common but education is not.

The drive toward the real world soma started with various types of pacification medications for adults but this typically addicted them and they wound up with "The Valley of the Dolls" (Jacqueline Susann, one of Hollywood's almost-credible fake names) and a bunch of second-rate potboiler romances, now with Seconal and every other mind hammer modern psychiatry could dispense.  That was a general fail as pacifying adults, in the main, turns them into zombies and now, in current time, there is an enormous segment of the population which is hopelessly addicted to pain medication and/or generic tranquilization.

That, except in terms of overall profit, was one of the most massive failures of big Pharma.  Even unicellular parasites know their evolutionary survival is based on their success in blood-sucking and any parasite which kills the host is not going to be successful for long.  Witness Ebola which is wiped out almost as soon as it appears.  It helps to destroy itself by killing everything it touches.

The next attempt after the Valley of the Dolls campaign was to go after the kids.  It works with religion and the Pledge of Allegiance to start them into conformity and obedience early so it only makes sense with a pacification program to begin with the children.  Soon came Ritalin and a host of other mood-altering drugs for children.  Within a few years, millions of kids were addicted to them and there was a large black market for illegal supplies of the drugs.  In some ways this turned into a bigger failure than the Valley of the Dolls due to the enormous amount of abuse but it was also a much greater success because of the efficacy in pacification.

As you see, Millennials don't react to much of anything.  The GOP got their soma and the irony is mother is giving it to her children, the same way she got the Dolls for herself (i.e. legally).  Did you ever hear about anyone getting off these drugs.  Does not happen.  Once the shrinks own you they will keep on feeding them to you.  Don't like that one?  Well, step over to this counter and try these ones.  Check out all the cool hipster colors.

You can trust the goddamn pusherman long before you can trust a psychiatrist.  The pusherman is honest that he's in it for the money but the psychiatrist pretends he is not.  The safest thing about the goddamn pusherman is he never pretends the stuff is good for you.

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