Sunday, November 27, 2016

Another Dumb Thing Blogger Broke

Blogger frequently issues the following message when it tries to Publish a new article:

 An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss

The answer to that is to click Dismiss and then click Publish again.  This time it will work.

That sequence is not unusual and it's been required for every article I have posted today.  The problem isn't new and the interesting part is why don't they fix it.

Blogger must be used a million times a day at least when there is such a vast number of blogs extant. That anything remains broken for long given that incredible use really takes a stunning lethargy in software support.

Ed:  always complaining!

Yah, I've heard that ... but it's easy to say when you have a warm lovey with you, the pad is a nice place to live, and there's plenty of jingle in the pockets.  There's probably not much reason to complain in that circumstance ... unless you're complaining about someone else complaining (larfs).

The fact of the bug in Blogger doesn't matter to me and it's in a large heap of Dumb Things Which Are Wrong with the World.  It's the fact they don't do anything to fix it which is so unusual.  For any place I ever worked, if the software was failing then there would be a growing pile of bleeding systems programmer corpses until the software stopped failing.

My most horrendous failing in systems programming was in firing a guy after he took down the bank's production system.  There were multiple managers above me tracking the situation and all were cold-blooded about it.  After it was in motion, they turned into wankers asking, well, do you think he can be saved.  That's when I knew it was all a play and none of it meant anything to them; they just wanted to absolve themselves of their own stink.

It's my soul that burns since I made the decision and there was no other move but it still doesn't wash off.

So I see blogs which don't get fixed and pitfart little changes in Facebook so what else should I think but, man, what a bunch of fucking poofs!

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