Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rob Crilly for your Worst Thanksgiving Guest

The best of Thanksgiving is after you have finished the bird ritual, watched the obligatory movie and / or football game, and then everyone leaves to continue with the fifty thousand gun incidents which take place in America each year.  That takes one shooting every ten minutes so people have to stay busy with it.

But then there are the ones who are planning to stay the night ... and all the next day ... and when will these people fucking go home.

Enter Rob Crill and he had his exposition some time recently on CNN:  This Thanksgiving weekend, I'll be defending Trump to horrified liberals

Sorry about your empty weekend, Rob, buddy.  Thanks for reminding us, in your simple and charmingly pedantic way, circumstances are not the same now as in Weimar, Germany.

Well, thank God for the relief in hearing that, huh?

Maybe Rob needs to meet Binkley.

Let's explain, Rob.  The wars, see, those are just Broadway shows but in them they get to kill people. People like to kill people so long as other people do it for them so that makes for a boffo audience every time.

The combat doesn't have anything to do with ISIS or Islam; it's just bad Pentagon theater.

Do you understand politics now?

(Crilly taps one hoof)

Good.  Now go away.

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