Thursday, November 24, 2016

When Do the Strippers Get Here for Thanksgiving

So she sez, I hope you're happy for Thanksgiving because if you're not happy then I'm not happy so it's your fault if I feel bad today and I'm not fucking making the baked beans, not this year, not again.

So I sez to Cadillac Man, you eat that pumpkin pie.  You eat every fuckin' bit of it and put whipped cream all over it first to get every delicious high-calorie opportunity out of it you can.  Maybe the dog gets the last piece ... or maybe he doesn't.

As for me, I asked Yevette when the strippers get here for Thanksgiving but she did not know.  I'm sure they're coming, I'm just not clear on what time.  It doesn't work for me if they get here while we eat because we can't be trying to scupper down a royal Thanksgiving feast while girls are writhing about on dance poles.  That would be unseemly when we can't devote our full attention to the art of semi-naked strippers bumping and grinding with a metal pole while we listen to AC/DC music.

Ed:   wtf kind of pole dance can anyone do to that?

No idea but it would be a riot to watch.

Ronald McDonald:  that's not in the Spirit of Thanksgiving!

Here's a tip on that, McClown:  there is no Spirit of Thanksgiving and it's not likely any of the Thanksgiving stories are true.  As Cadillac Man advised earlier, Thanksgiving wasn't even law until Abraham Lincoln made it that way.

Psychological projection is in telling someone, "You're so full of anger.  You're so easy to provoke."

The speaker is typically seething with anger in saying such things and there you have projection.  That's one of the cherished indoor sports for the holidays.  That's why such times are radioactive and it's important to carry your Holiday Geiger Counter.  Coincidentally, the H.G.C. x205 model is available here for a nominal sum.

Down here in the Rockhouse, Thanksgiving is easy because we don't expect nothin'.  There isn't any question of being happy or unhappy because life happens and Thanksgiving doesn't change anything for that.  Cadillac Man and I were yukking it up about his pumpkin pie since no-one but his dog can tell him to take it easy on eating every damn bit of it.

The dog can tell him that, tho.  Shih Tzu have a way like that.

Mystery Lady knows how it goes with those little walking mops.  They bounce around on their back legs when they want something and you just try to tell them no.  There may be no other dog which can look so heartbroken if you do.

You made me unhappy ... on Thanksgiving ... but you have already cracked by that time and I'm sure Cadillac Man won't get all of that pie.

I've seen some science lately on researchers finding old people are generally happier than young ones and this may seem counterintuitive but many things get easier even while some others suck boulders.  I don't worry about getting along with my job since I don't have one nor do I want one.  Life is far easier so no worries and minimal discontent except for physical breakage which is infuriating ... but I even get accustomed to that so the day-to-day discontent is minimal.

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