Sunday, October 2, 2016

What Are Hillary Clinton #BasementDwellers

Hillary Clinton recently identified Bernie Sanders supporters as 'basement dwellers' or 'bottom dwellers' and we're trying to determine what in her confused thinking that's supposed to mean.

'Bottom dweller' may refer to people like the 'groundlings' in the times of the Globe Theatre with Shakespeare.  Referring to groundlings as bottom dwellers is an inarticulate way to refer to political supporters since groundlings simply didn't have the money to pay for better tickets so they attended the performance standing but they would definitely attend.  In that respect, Sanders supporters bear no resemblance to them since there's no chance we would attend a performance by an actress with such limited ability as Clinton.

There was additional thinking that 'bottom dweller' refers to fish in the context of bottom feeding but that's the wrong expression also since 'benthic' is the appropriate word in that context.  The choice of word depends on whether you think it's important if you sound like someone who actually graduated past junkyard vocabulary skills.  Fuckin' A, Bubba.

'Basement dweller' takes a different connotation since usually they're serial killers.  If it's a basement dweller who lives alone with a lot of cats and is very quiet, you've got a serial killer every time.  Sanders supporters never kill anything except sometimes ourselves because we listened to Pink Floyd one too many times.

Crepuscular is another word to challenge Clinton's social network rabble and this one should be more familiar to them, particularly Clinton, since it refers to 'animals of the twilight' and we know this time is a favorite for blood-sucking parasites, don't we.  If you will be bitten by any creature which will kill you (other than a cop), it will probably be crepuscular ... or come from Washington bearing gifts.

We finally conclude 'bottom dweller' doesn't mean any more than anything else Clinton has said much in the way she said, "Oh gee, we should reduce the number of nuclear weapons," but doesn't have the first glimmering of any path toward doing it.

Will that reduction take place through the existing START II treaty or will this need to go to START III because of progressive ideas about reducing the vast expansion of tactical nuclear weapons which the Pentagon has been sneaking past the public for decades.

Drat, there was that 'prog' word again and the mainframe hates prog-rock, hates progressive anything.  She has no plan.  Perhaps there's such a thing as a 'bottom dwelling plan' which has never received any consideration or concern.

There are countless examples of Clinton's fatuous statements of policy and in that context she gave us another word, one she apparently invented herself:  overpromising.  It's used regarding a campaign since she is 'concerned about overpromising' but, in the Queen's English, it only means she's losing track of which lies she has told.  You only have to remember what you said when you were telling lies, yes?

Mark Twain is the authority on that but believe Clinton if you like even though the last thing she wrote went to the Walmart book cutout bin faster than "How to Send Prayers Over the Internet."

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”  -  Mark Twain

Clinton looks like quite the overpromised cupcake already but, wtf, we try not to look.

Clinton's proclivity toward sending out these drunkie epithets is a bit unusual since she also endeared herself to Trump's unwashed crowd by calling them 'deplorables' and, with any luck, they will hunt her down to shoot her like an old African lion (i.e. by sneaking up on it like a Trump and shooting it in an egregiously cowardly way from a mile in the distance).

We bottom dwellers are not sociopaths so we do not own any guns but, even so, we will be happy to watch the Deplorables do it.  Those pyschos have got to be good for something besides driving trucks, hating black people, and spitting a lot.

In fact, possibly we could suggest to the Deplorables, you know, matey mates, Hillary Clinton has spent most of her adult career ensuring annually the Pentagon gets over half of America's wealth and that's the primary reason most Americans don't get help when it's needed.  What do y'all think about that, huh, Angry Rednecks??


Kannafoot said...

Perhaps actually reading what she said, as opposed to spin on what she said, might clarify it a bit:

“Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession and they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education, and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves, and they don’t see much of a future,” Clinton said. “I met with a group of young black millennials today, and, you know, one of the young women said, ‘You know, none of us feel like we have the job that we should have gotten out of college, and we don’t believe the job market is going to give us much of a chance.’”

“So that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics, and so if you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista or, you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe — just maybe — you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. So I think we should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism — you want people to be idealistic; you want them to set big goals — but to take what we can achieve now and try to present them as bigger goals.”

Unknown said...

I knew about it but decided to slam her anyway because she needs to do a speech with a chicken on her head to get any respect