Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Pentagon and Its Slinky Sleazy Search for a Soldier's Sinecure

ISIS isn't the big play in the Middle East and never has been since the actual conflict is between Shia Islam (Iran) and Sunni Islam (Saudi Arabia).  The Shia Muslims believe authority is only vested in the actual descendants of Mohammad and Sunni Muslims believe Islam's authority is vested in the Caliphs and of course they would since they use that to deify the Saudi royal family.

With regard to Iran, America has typically acted as a shill for Israel but Obama showed some minor balls on that with opening Iran this year.  Relative to other things he has done, it's less than convincing but at least that much was an accomplishment.  That it meant nothing in his policy was demonstrated by his follow-up weapons sales to Saudis to bomb Yemen.

America and Britain caused most of the problems in the Middle East and the first was creating Israel in the first place.  That is generally cast as an act of divine charity but the Brits and the Americans were interning Jews before they ever got near Israel and they were treated abominably.  Eventually Israel bombed its way to independence and the country has been doing that ever since.  Menachem Begin was chief among the bombers of the King David Hotel.

Iran was demolished by Britain and America in the early fifties when the Shah was re-inflicted on the country in a manipulated coup to prevent nationalization of oil properties.  That interference was the start of fifty years of rabid political and religious chaos which even now has not settled.  Meanwhile, both countries were trying to play the Saudis, another relatively new country, for every oil dollar they could get.

That America has failed to keep any consistent position in the Middle East was amply shown when the Middle East bombed Manhattan.  At that point there's a fair indication of customer dissatisfaction in your foreign base.  We may be wrong and apparently we must be since America keeps selling weapons to the same country which did it (i.e. Saudis).

The sinecure comes in setting up the follow-up war between Iran and Saudi Arabia and there's some buzzing about a Shia Crescent which is something analogous to ISIS but oh, oh, so much worse.  Whether this will actually happen remains to be seen since Saudis have the only army which will take longer to get to a battlefront than the Italians.  Nevertheless, the Pentagon is starting to pump it as their spare war because they always have to show how they're fighting to keep us safe.  It's just no-one's really sure of safe from what.  (The Duran: Why Saudi Arabia, not Iran is the country responsible for the spread of terrorism)

As to whether it's a sinecure, verify again those gewgaws which appear to be medals on the uniforms of the generals.  That area of the uniform is also used for area ribbons and other types of awards.  Investigate the patterns of the awards on the uniforms of the generals and you will usually find hardly any of them have anything to do with combat.  They're not soldiers but rather bureaucrats and you likely have more combat experience than they if you have a feisty wife.

Note:  Eisenhower had little combat experience and Bradley thought he was for shit as a general.  So did quite a few of the battlefield generals apparently.

Eventually Americans will stop being such pussies in front of the Pentagon but it's been fifties years since the last time and looks like it will be a while before the people grow those balls again.

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