Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hate the Pentagon and Save America

The deadline to register in Texas has passed and I'm not registered but it's ok as both of the candidates are too fickle to warrant a vote.  Trump scored extremely impressively in saying he would work with Putin to resolve ISIS and it was shown again today by non-Democrat Obama why that's so important when he rejected the petition from the people of America to forego installation of the THAAD batteries of missiles in South Korea.  How do you like democracy (cough) so far.  Obama is so whipped by the Pentagon he's more of a clerk than a President.  It's extremely unlikely Trump is just a clerk but I still don't trust he or Clinton not to do more of the same.

By the way, I remember voting for Obama to stop these wars and I never voted for him to start more of them so where's the democracy.

Note:  I did not vote for him the second time.  After being betrayed by non-Democrat Bill Clinton, I still voted for poser-Democrat Obama but I didn't do it again after he betrayed my vote as well.  This is a large part of why I couldn't be bothered to vote now.  They don't pay any attention to what they said to get elected.  They get no excuses as the buck stops with you, bitch.

Harry Truman knew how to deal with a disobedient general as he fired MacArthur.  The Pentagon isn't defending freedom but rather is the enemy of it when it disobeys the White House and one immediate example is how the White House ordered the Pentagon to reduce the number of general and flag officers but they didn't do it.

When generals are mutinous is one thing but they're openly disloyal and actively political in the 'modern' context and there are only two things you can do with a disloyal soldier:  fire him or shoot him.

Sure I hate the Pentagon as they promote Manifest Destiny and do nothing for the Constitution.  Most of the generals are bejeweled fakes in cheap green suits.  Their medals are only area ribbons which they collect in the same way tourists put stickers on their vehicles after visiting various states.  Accusing any of them of heroism would be a massive exaggeration.  Generals aren't heroes and, as we've seen in Syria, they're not worth a shit militarily either.

That's no change as Vietnam was exactly the same disaster.  The Pentagon is nothing more than a repeating TV sitcom which was never funny.  They use WWII tactics and only switched to bigger bombs from faster aircraft and they fail in Syria exactly as they failed in the B-52 carpet bombing of Hanoi in Vietnam.  That was just an extension of the carpet bombing of Germany in WWII.

The Pentagon takes half of America's tax base and squanders it to no effect while they violate every rule of war when they use white phosphorus as a weapon since it's generally banned.  The only way you can get burning white phosphorus off you is to dig it off your body with a knife.  The Pentagon has ordered this horror, they say, to illuminate battle areas but, regrettably, there may be 'collateral damage.'   They're not soldiers, they're not even human.

The Pentagon has been instrumental in relegating Muslims to roles as 'ape people' who don't belong in the world but that thinking is straight out of the Third Reich and Manifest Destiny.  It's also actively promoted by far-right extremists as the only solution to ISIS:  wipe out all the Muslims.

The anti-Muslim rhetoric from Trump is why I likely could not have voted for him anyway.  I do expect some things from a President and one of them is humanity.  We haven't seen any of that in decades while there simultaneously grew the most flagrant examples of racism I have seen since I was a kid.

There's no chance Clinton has the stuffing for backing down the Pentagon so you're likely stuck with those rabid bastards.  Do feel free to take a piss on Reagan's grave for enabling and empowering this travesty.  America would be just fine if not for the Pentagon.  Burn it to the ground as they're nothing but losers in there who never win anything.

You don't have a choice and you have to fix it so what will you do.

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