Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Which New Country Will Clinton Bomb First?

Clinton still licks her lips over destroying Libya and even that loathsome gollum, Bush, didn't do that.  Based on 'modern' foreign policy, America only attacks countries with limited air forces so they can bomb the country to shit with impunity.   Cheney really loved that approach and probably it was the only time that heart-damaged pile of chickenshit protoplasm ever felt he was really alive.  At the time, we thought he was the worst we may see but then Democrats elected Obama.  Unlike Clinton, he betrayed Democrats and sucker punched all of us.

This puerile by Jenga foreign policy has been America's trademark for decades and Clinton obviously can't wait to start bombing places so the natural question is which new country first.  She took her lead from Obama the Virginal Prom / Bomb Queen who has made Cheney look like the grasping avaricious pissant he always was.

The first thought here at the Rockhouse is most likely somewhere in Africa because Americans don't give a rat's ass about killing black people.  That projection is easy and obvious.

Another is Indonesia and that one has an extra advantage because Americans don't give a shit about killing Indonesians and they don't give a shit about dead orangutans either.  If there's a buck in it then those crackwhore mercenaries will kill it.

The really important consideration is which movie to watch and dramas aren't attractive since they remind me what the word meant before social network narcissists transmogrified it to be about their own tawdry and infinitely boring li'l lives.

Comedy is difficult to keep going because there's so little of it which is funny.  When you have Seth Rogen and Jimmy Fallon licking the Establishment's ass with great fervor, comedy has fallen so far into Hell you can smell the burning Democrats and Republicans.

"Duck Soup" by the Marx Brothers is ancient but those guys had real wit and it was amazing to see what they could do with almost nothing.

(Ed:  Seth Rogen is a stoner!)

So what when he makes his living playing to Establishment pigdogs.  We don't need him with his idiotic stoner giggling.  Real stoners don't do that, only amateurs ... and young girls.

War movies are mostly useless as the only good ones are from WWII or Sean Connery in "The Hunt for Red October" and the latter was kind of cool except for the smarmiest ending you could possibly dream.  Connery steals the submarine to give it to America and that meant the biggest navies in the world would each have silent-running submarines.  After that, he gets wistful about fishing with his father (barf).

Tim Curry kills in it as he has to play the Stooge as the ship's doctor but he showed Stooge like you never saw before.  Two simple words convey is utter rejection of stoogeness when he says, "But, Captain" with ultimate drama to one of Connery's many insane requests.  Connery gets off a good line, tho:  "Onsh again we play our dangeroush game."

That line has been a favorite far more than "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" from Robert Duvall because the irony is kind of cool but the premise is as stupid as getting off on burning car tires.  Oh God, noxious fumes really, really turn me on.

Maybe it's time for fantasy and go to hang about with the Hobbits again.  Each of those books ran about nine hours so watching all of them probably means I won't be seen until September but, considering the heat outside, I'm not seeing a major problem with that.

"Second-hand Lions" is a great one but watching it makes me remorseful I do not have a shotgun because it would be such a gas to be able to shoot annoying pricks before they even get off a few words.  Yah, yah, tell me you wouldn't do it.  Let's start our Christmas lists of which self-righteous lecturers we would like to blow away with a shotgun first.

(Ed:  kill them?)

Fuck no as they can put you in jail for that.  Tell the cops you were felt threatened and, you're an old guy so of course they believe it, and in Texas they will let you go every time if you were on your property.  That's the same excuse cops use anyway.  They will understand ... even when they completely don't.  For this application rock salt is a much better selection since you damn sure bet the carpetbagger will remember that.  Since it's rock salt, you can argue your intention was never homicidal even if, drat, you inadvertently blow that carpetbagger's head clean off.

Decisions, decisions.

(Ed:  about shooting carpetbaggers?)

That one is obvious and I still have no shotgun so negatory on that one.

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