Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Where the Jobs Went

You already know CEOs of corporate America sent them overseas but that's only part of how they have savaged America's future.  For many that left the only available option of going into retail, typically as low-end cashiers, clerks, etc.

Walmart and Amazon have decimated retail and those jobs are going out the window as well.  We have already seen long-standing American institutions such as Sears Roebuck, Radio Shack, and now Macy's is winding down.  There are many others and I'm sure you have seen them go as well.

Jobs were plentiful and paid well at one time but the Republicans sure saw to that in a hurry.

Perhaps it is evolution in action but there's no social evolution toward what happens when the jobs dry up altogether and people are being exceptionally myopic about it.  It's abundantly obvious the robots are coming and some bozo even studied whether a pleasant disposition in a robot is important. It probably is when you make Japanese sex dolls but, other than that, do the fucking job, Roboid, as I have not the slightest interest in your life story.  I'm busy and have things to do.

Republicans, at least the ones who are capable of thinking up two coherent sentences, probably know it's coming but they don't care since their only interest is financial and it's damn sure not in you.  Sometimes they get all crocodile weepy about some kid but that conveniently glosses over how they ignored and often kill many of the six or seven billion others in the world.  Sometimes Republicans pretend to be human but it only makes them look more ludicrous.

Note:  don't look at this as a cheapshot at Lotho since I know what he does is empowering to people and he does share the wealth.  Going beyond that probably goes over the line but I tell you it's true.  He also has said he's not a Republican and wasn't pleased with the label.  Fair enough and that gives me freedom to go all ripshit on Republicans who, despite their charades, just don't care.

Clinton doesn't care either but she's the mouthpiece for one of the greasiest sleazebags who ever went to Washington and he obtained his M.B.S. (Master of Bullshit) decades ago.  Of course she's just the mouthpiece as she's not fast enough to be anything else.  For any puzzle at all, she goes back to the old man with his M.B.S.

When Bill Clinton even sleazed his way out of impeachment, he completed his graduate work and only needs to write the dissertation for the PhD in masterful bullshit.  He killed the unions with NAFTA right in front of Democrats and they only went, well, yeah, that's alright, isn't it.  That can't be pinned on Republicans except insofar as he was only a fancy clone of Reagan.  Plus he played the sax. Well, gee fucking whiz ... but only one instrument?  That's it?  Pitiful.

Insofar as Clinton only used the sax to get laid it shows he has some understanding of music but the way he behaves shows no understanding of it at all.  Likely that's why he never got past grandstanding and instead become a slutdog pol ... which was also just to get laid.  Bright fellow but simple as a blade of grass and rolls over just as easily.

The unions have been getting murdered for years and that likely more than anything else is what broke the back of America.  That was most blatant when Reagan savaged PATCO but Slick Willie wasn't any different except he was greasier about it.  He was also sloppier judging by the stain on Lewinsky's blue dress.

It's coming rapidly to the point at which there's no other way to deal with Republicans except by pushing them out of the way, ideally into the ocean where hopefully many will painfully drown and experience justice from the people.  The French were too merciful about it.

It's the same as what really took down the Berlin Wall as one million people on the move can't be stopped without killing all of them and, bloodthirsty as the military has been trained to become, they won't have the stomach for it.  Talk about Reagan all you like but Cat was there and saw it all.  She was with a television crew covering it.  The lady gets around, I'm tellin' you.

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