Monday, August 22, 2016

So What Happens Without Cigarettes

If you're doubting the campaign to discover what causes the coughing is real, this ought to do it.  Ganja ran out yesterday and cigarettes ran out today.  This is not a plea for money as I can buy some but I didn't.  Wasting money on cigarettes is bad but not as bad as contributing it to Clinton who licks her lips over becoming the War President, just like the second-rate pissants, Bush and Thatcher, who preceded her and dreamed of former glory but never came close to achieving it.

Eliminating ganja (temporarily) isn't an impact other than life is better with ganja so long as you don't have assholes with guns riding your back about it.  The whole time they do that crap, the only thing stoners think is, 'You regressive Neanderthal horror, do you actually have a life or purpose in anything?  Don't tell me as I really don't need any bananas.'

Maybe they serve Jesus in busting stoners as there's not much moving in the minds of those mutated monkeys.  Jesus never busted stoners and never said a thing about us, to my knowledge.

So that happened and the cigarettes ran out today.  There's no withdrawal from the ganja and many don't believe that but what do I care when they don't use it.  Such people often make claims about things they don't know.  There's an obvious withdrawal from cigarettes but it's not actually as bad as withdrawal from heavy caffeine use as that will make you sick with 'flu-like symptoms' for a week and I don't even drink coffee.

Note:  'flu-like symptoms' kind of amuse me because the only symptoms I know are a 105 degree fever and being delirious.  I think I was maybe twenty or so and it was so brutal I've been getting flu shots religiously ever since.  Influenza has a remarkable capability for killing healthy young people even more than somewhat older and I believe that was noted in the massive outbreaks in the early part of the 20th Century.  Anti-vaxxers scoff at such things from their ignorant cesspool of false knowledge in which they live and the irony is it may not kill them while it's more likely to kill their kids.  Don't believe me?  Consider cracking a book, you lazy ass wastrel, and specifically about the 1917-1918 flu epidemic.

In fact, even after definitive evidence regarding the falsity of anti-vaxx claims, some on Facebook still said to me they didn't believe it.  That's part of the reason I walked away as I have no reason to tolerate overt and deliberate ignorance.  Facebook spreads it and becomes a disease in itself.  It's not that I have all answers but I damn sure keep looking for them.  Without a hammer and chisel, you won't get anything into the heads of some (many?) of that lot.

Cigarettes are out and the gum is in but I don't anticipate much result whereas milk is rising quickly on the list of credible culprits.  Mystery Lady was dead accurate about how milk increases mucus production and today it matched one-to one.  Symptoms of the congestion had been reducing but there had been reduced milk consumption.  I drank some more milk today because (gasp) I like the stuff and I was right back to being unable to lie down because the coughing just doesn't stop.  It's brutal and it's impossible.

Fortunately, the half-life on that isn't so long as cutting out the milk seems to ameliorate the problem relatively quickly.  This isn't lactose intolerance as the milk doesn't cause problems for the gut but rather mitigates them.  The problem is strictly excessive mucus and I see a better match in that being the source of it than anything else.  The coughing was vicious earlier today but it has largely relented now.  Previously it would not stop and getting up only meant another bout trying to clear them out.

(Ed:  dropping things so quickly easily results in false indications!)

Yah but the evidence comes quickly as well.  Coughing had reduced significantly the morning after I ran out of reefer and that wasn't even time for my body to notice the ganja was gone.  I don't see any particular case against the ganja.

It's similar with cigarettes as I only ran out an hour ago and the symptoms were already calming prior to that so they couldn't be responsible either.

(Ed:  case-building to justify smoking?)

No.  I'm looking for evidence and I've said repeatedly I have no intention of quitting ganja but cigarettes are never more than useless overhead with no payoff, only punishments.  It shouldn't matter but the worst is any perception I flounder about helplessly waiting for Jesus, the Salvation Army, or a troupe of dancing bears.  That just flat ain't true but it's a bitch of a problem to solve so maybe some systems thinking brings an answer.

There was supposed to be a GP appointment this month after three months since the last but it hasn't  popped.  It's not likely I missed it since Yevette records them as well.  The doctor (i.e. talented PA) may be pissed because I declined the lung biopsy.  She can call it pussy all she likes but medicos never know when to give up and I'm damned if I'll squander whatever quality of life remains on an operating table while a doctor tries to save me even when he knows there's no fucking way anything cures lung cancer and emphysema won't stop anyway.

I will never ever forgive the medical heroes for tormenting my ol' Mother when she had obviously passed well beyond caring about anything and we all knew she was ready but of course didn't want to let her go even when that's not our choice to make.  The doctor did think it was his and that unforgivable savage should go back to being a witch doctor in the forest.

This is another area in which science seriously needs an ethical review board of some substance since doctors who have the direct power to save lives may start thinking they must always save lives and that megalomanic delusion is dangerous.  You'll die anyway but they can easily make it worse.

All wishes of mercy if the Christers find you because once they start hootin' and hollerin', you're fucked.  They will do everything humanly possible to make your passing as long, miserable, and horrible as they can possibly torture out of you.  Of course they do as these are the same people who loved going to see the public burning of heretics and hung witches for amusement.

Jesus didn't do that to them but rather some festering disease of some other megalomanic delusion and it's one of the worst things which can possibly happen if you're really sick.

Even the Bush Boobie boys who are about as un-Christ-like of any savages on the planet, got into it with Terri Schiavo because there's nothing they loved so much as suckin' ass with fundamentalist heathens and who gives a shit about the girl, she's fuckin' dead anyway.  I need the publicity and so do the Christers.

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