Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fool Done Run Off the Rails (video)

That's the typical response from dodgy, unimaginative bourgeoisie who have never contributed anything to America except more wars but few ask where their hell train really goes other than pestilence, misery, and disgrace.  The 1% doesn't give a rat's ass about the wars or much of anything else since they never go and only collect the fat dividend checks.  They aren't bourgeoisie so much as they are a cancer eating the life of society.  The people will put up with it until we decide to kill them and it won't be a tough thing as the American military has never won a guerrilla war, not ever.

Republicans fancy they're not bourgeoisie but nouveau riche is never anything else.  Clinton may be the most obscene example of nouveau riche the world, regrettably, has ever seen.

Those cowardly murdering bastards in Washington should send the military to blow up the Ataturk Dam in Turkey to cut the water off to much of the Middle East and take out multiple civilizations at the same time.  Suck sand, Muslim Boy.  It even wipes out Israel at the same time so it's an economical solution satisfactory to all far right bigots.

Because reducing countries to rubble just isn't enough for them anymore.

The Silas didn't go off the rails but the country sure did and some idiot of a Texas teacher gained fame today for banning homework.  Well, ain't that fucking fantastic.  Aim low, you moronic bitch.  Always aim low.  Believe it, you will get there and Texas shows with abundant clarity it already did.

When the populace is poorly-educated, they have no chance of jobs and the military can eat them up like popcorn at a "B" movie.  The soldiers think they serve the country but it's the same country which boned them in the ass in the first place.  Jobs were plentiful in America before the GOP undermined and destroyed them.

Then they go forth to vainly try to instill the (cough) values somewhere else to reduce every country in the world to mediocrity or rubble.  Just look to the aspirations of the children and they don't fucking have any except to make money but the number of jobs is rapidly disappearing.  Look for retail to dry up altogether due to the spiral upward for Walmart and Amazon.

Always aim low.  Keep America right the fuck where it is and dream of nothing better.

America has been gutted by shallow, narcissistic and infinitely-greedy pigdogs who, with their tedious predictability, say I've gone 'off the rails.'  Of course, that's the only explanation isn't it.

Note:  in a unidimensional mind, it probably is.

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