Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Twitticisms 8/9 - 2

08-09-2016 23:36:59 - Immigration agents used ‘deceptive’ tactics to detain 120+ women and children | Obama is such a blazing hypocrite
08-09-2016 23:35:13 - DOJ finds Baltimore PD targeted minorities, ignored and belittled sexual assault cases | Typical redneck racists
08-09-2016 23:33:38 - Apple counters Australian banks' call for iPhone NFC access | Proof Apple is just a bank now
https://t.co/NyBmkhkqvP via @AppleInsider
08-09-2016 23:30:50 - Study demonstrates rapid decline in male dog fertility, with potential link to environmental contaminants  | Applies to humans as well
08-09-2016 23:28:56 - Evidence from China shows how plants colonized the land
08-09-2016 21:14:02 - Groovin' on a Tuesday Afternoon
08-09-2016 21:12:43 - Ithaka Blog: Groovin' on a Tuesday Afternoon: We never grooved on a Sunday afternoon and paid little attentio...
08-09-2016 20:52:24 - Did you think US presidential debates were open and fair? Think again | Most people do not believe that  | Clinton only got 15.8M votes while 140M voters didn't show
08-09-2016 20:02:12 - FARK was funny once but now it's the same dogmatic crap as on other news media in US. Dumping those fools.
08-09-2016 19:57:55 - FARK is nearly useless as well since it's so politically-polarized and so stupidly militaristic. They were funny once.
08-09-2016 19:55:44 - Roger Ailes accused in new harassment claim of proposing 'sexual alliance' | So what when creep is already fired
08-09-2016 19:52:47 - Journos are such flaming narcissists, they will almost certainly see comments even when not directed at them
08-09-2016 19:51:41 - Lucia Graves says Trump hit bottom by suggesting murder but her genius can't accept Clinton has done it multiple times. Fucking symps.
08-09-2016 19:49:39 - Meanwhile, CNN continues to insult while Fox continues being stupidly smug and neither has a glimpse of truth anymore
08-09-2016 19:46:46 - They talk of #PrettyLittleLiars but what other kind is there
08-09-2016 19:46:10 - They say #PrayForPortugal but it doesn't mean any more than Christers sending prayers to each other here as they won't actually do anything.
08-09-2016 19:41:45 - Highest ranking officer in Freddie Gray case to receive $127k | US cops get away with murder, pull huge kickbacks
08-09-2016 19:40:09 - Fat vs fair: Pentagon mulls new obesity standards for soldiers | Good plan ... let soldiers be sweathogs
08-09-2016 19:38:29 - DNA dominoes on a chip: Carriers of genetic information packed together on a biochip like in nature
08-09-2016 19:37:34 - Perseid meteors could see 'surge in activity' on Aug. 11-12

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