Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Twitticisms 8/23 - 1

08-23-2016 03:21:17 - I will support Democrats every single time but only real ones (i.e. NOT NeoLibs) and only honest ones (again, NOT NeoLibs).
08-23-2016 03:19:57 - #AndThenIShouldHaveSaid where are the fucking Goldman Sachs transcripts, you criminal horror bitch ... but America didn't and fucks itself.
08-23-2016 03:19:44 - Ithaka Blog: Killing Rats ... Because We Fuckin' Like It: That lazy ass sneaky stalker cat is obviously a Rep...
08-23-2016 02:41:03 - #ICantBeUrFriendBecause you can't see Clinton dressed in leather with whips and chains while she plays White House Dominatrix
08-23-2016 02:09:17 - #MakeTVSexy is flat out fucking impossible with cancerous Reaganoid censors hiding behind every bush in America
08-23-2016 02:07:36 - #ICantBeUrFriendBecause you're mainstream rubbish and more vacuous than a roll of Bounty paper towels
08-23-2016 02:06:21 - @croswell_g what difference does it make as she's still just one of the ladyboys of Thailand
08-23-2016 02:05:36 - @sherrylou916 she's plenty of action and is highly auriferous as she can smell gold and run to it from a thousand miles away
08-23-2016 02:04:12 - 15k new Clinton emails discovered as evidence on her Foundation pay-to-play scheme grows | Jail this horror bitch
08-23-2016 02:02:40 - American Dream dead in San Francisco | 13% of households can afford | They need robots because we won't work there
08-23-2016 02:01:07 - Wells Fargo to pay $4.1mn for illegal student loans | One of many brazen examples of bank parasitism
08-23-2016 02:00:19 - ‘Unacceptable’: Trooper fatally shoots unarmed, deaf & mute man | Another day, another murder by cop.  Surprising it's only one so far.
08-23-2016 01:58:21 - Robocop lives: AI security guard drone flies low, fast and recharges | Terminator drones here and US built them
08-23-2016 01:57:32 - First heroin free-use zone endorsed in Seattle | One of few places in America with the balls to work on it
08-23-2016 01:54:39 - Hope for reversing stroke-induced long-term disability | Stem cells. Could have been years ago but Reagan
08-22-2016 21:54:55 - Chimpanzees choose cooperation over competition | More humane than humans
08-22-2016 16:54:24 - Manuscript ‘lost’ for 500 yrs reveals ancient Mexico’s gender-equality (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
08-22-2016 16:50:52 - 15 yrs after 9/11, Americans feel more at risk from terrorism | Obviously when America is the primary cause of it
08-22-2016 16:49:57 - Ithaka Blog: The Blessed Rain Returns to Fort Worth: Some aren't blessing it too much because it often causes...
08-22-2016 16:48:33 - Conflict was defined earlier as Middle East slaughter in which high-tech bombers are used to murder people who don't even have paper airplanes.

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