Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Searching for Ithaka MAP Hits a Detour and Other News (i.e. not CNN)

Uploading images to improve the Searching for Ithaka MAP (the tab above) isn't even possible.  Before Google will let you do it, the image has to be uploaded somewhere else.  Well, that makes perfect sense, doesn't it.

After doing a news cruise on this bounce, there's still nothing of any significance in it unless you like the Wide World of Fake Non-Professional Sports so interest in making the MAP more interesting is undiminished.

The sciencers will start posting in a few hours and there's always something twisted from them.  See, here at the Rockhouse, we like real information rather than bullshit fortune telling from journos.

The medicine arrived yesterday and I took the last of the original BP medicine just now.  That's some high-precision timing.

(Ed:  that's some highly stupid timing!)

Not as much as it seems.  The stuff comes in white pills in a white bottle and it doesn't automatically refill so it's an easy mistake to make in counting them and I did but I squeaked by this time.  Thank you, VA, for delivering it so quickly.

Note:  must try to discover how the hell to stop the MEDICARE deduction to Social Security as it's just a tax and the lamest kind of tax when there's not one damn thing to do with it.  Mystery Lady has the same problem and MEDICARE is useless so she can't get most of her prescriptions.  As with everything else, conservatives have been trying to undermine it forever and they will swear this situation doesn't really exist but, also as with everything else, conservatives don't know much of anything except GIMME all your money.

Today could be a whole lot better for being real (i.e. making a phone call) because I won't be trying to stay awake all day due to a medicine delivery this time.

There was also a delicious tomato sandwich a moment ago and a luscious juicy plum yesterday.  Yes, they were all each day but it's progress from any frozen crap which I can hardly eat at all.  There's still one more package of Skyline Chili and there's a vibrant specimen of onion as well.  When I can get that into myself, that's the win.  It will be light but I'm fairly sure one package can serve two people along with pasta, diced onion, and grated sharp cheddar cheese.  Yevette loves the stuff so it's just cruel eating it in front of her.


There's a bit of really tragic news since Vegemite won't arrive for another two or three weeks.  It looks like this one shipped from Australia but, wtf, the price was right (larfs).

In fact, this is payday so time to see if there's any chance of ordering more from Skyline.

Oh, and before you start looking toward snow to bring the temperature down, consider the Great Snow Catastrophe in Germany in 2006.  It makes the '78 / '79 blizzards in U.S. look kind of silly although I do remember the misery from those years in Cincinnati.  It was a heavyweight horror in Rhode Island was well.  The photograph was shot where Cat lives and no-one there had seen anything like it previously.

Roofs were collapsing all over Germany and businesses shut down across the country, even the trains couldn't run, so the country was paralyzed.  The most vital thing anywhere in Germany was to keep the roof shoveled or it would likely come down from the weight of the snow and many of these were houses built a century ago or more when they really made to last.  That strongly implies it had been a century or more since the last time it happened.

Climate change deniers typically start nodding wisely on that bit of knowledge but they're easily impressed when they ignore science altogether.

Yevette was talking yesterday about how the World's Fair in Seattle in 1962 was designed to enhance the American interest in science.  My answer to that was immediate, "That sure fookin' worked, didn't it!"  (larfs)


Anonymous said...

I think Jungle Jims will ship it--not sure tho

Unknown said...

I know they have Vegemite and, why not, they have everything else too. No matter where I was, I have missed that place. Skyline is ten bucks shipping and it looks the same for the cans or the microwave containers so cans seem the best value but it's a big bite for them but not so much more than the others so maybe it's necessary to spend more.

Anonymous said...

It cost $13 to mail that package and each pack was about $4 on sale--so call it $30. If you can get it in the larger cans and better price on shipping--it a much better deal. Yes, it's a luxury but I know you enjoy it very much!! If you use that recipe I sent, you can easily get 4-6 servings out of one can. I do it all the time. And you get the Skyline "jones" taken care of!

Unknown said...

Please, please don't as I hugely appreciate your generosity but massively don't want to impose. Maybe there would be some way to send the money to you since five bucks a can is far below the cost at Skyline Online, about half.

In different times I thought of ordering lobsters and the price wasn't too bad but shipping those little snappers was through the roof! (larfs)

Anonymous said...

World Market sells Vegemite $7

Unknown said...

And I ordered it from Australia. Genius like that is rare, really rare.

Unknown said...

It really is a staple and I will have that on a chunky slice of bread most mornings when it's available. Meat really isn't that important to me and hasn't been for quite a while.

Anonymous said...

Re Skyline: I saw 4 cans for $13 at Sams Club(not sure of the size/weight, but soup can size)--they don't always have it for that price. Maybe if I sent by UPS instead of postal service it would be better?? I will look into it and see what UPS would charge to ship. ML

Anonymous said...

Yes! here it is!

Unknown said...

I saw it but then I specified a local Sam's and they took it back off the list. That's cruel (larfs).

I would have to join Sam's for maybe $50 or whatever so that one is kind of spank anyway, tho.