Saturday, July 5, 2014

What Really Happens in Iraq

The most interesting aspect of the current chaos in Iraq isn't the conflict between the Sunni and Shi'a Muslims but rather what is emerging with the Kurds.  As always, the White House is dealing with it poorly as right now the Iraqis choose their own destiny and it appears that there will be three ethnic states divided along the lines of what happened in Yugoslavia.  (RT: ​Real ‘Battle of Iraq’ is only beginning)

That the Sunni and the Shi'a Muslims will create their own states has been obvious but what hasn't been so clear has been the emergence of the Kurds and with strong support from Israel which was one of the first countries to do business with them for oil.

One thing we know is that the last time anyone united a bunch of Sunni Muslims, he wrote a book and became a god.  The Sunnis in Saudi Arabia (i.e. the ones united by Muhammad) are reputed to be supporting the Sunnis in ISIS so maybe the Muhammad in ISIS is only a sub-god.  If he does write a book or, better yet, find one in the desert, we assume it will create the Islamic equivalent of Mormonism.

RT has been a good source for this as the situation in Ukraine made it apparent how much the US news services lie.  They made all manner of charges against Putin but none of them were substantiated and none of them bore validation.  The charges Putin made were real and verifiable (e.g. the people burned in the Trade Unions Building, etc).  The model used for Ukraine was identical to that used to justify invading Iraq and not surprisingly as the same people did it.  That it was a different administration is irrelevant, they're all just tools.

Therefore I will continue to rely on Russia Today as an important source and an accurate source of news.  I'm told all the time by conservatives that it's propaganda but that only shows how afraid they are of truth.

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