Saturday, July 26, 2014

Paul Ryan, Fratboy

Miami University is the party school up the road from Cincinnati a few miles.  Not surprisingly, Paul Ryan was a Delta Tau fratboy up there as almost all of them are fratboys at Miami.  Some good stuff comes out of Miami in spite of the fraternities but it's been quite a few years and Ryan hasn't changed that.

Let's see if he showed enough respect for the Greek system to learn to how to pronounce the letters correctly.  What's your bet on what he actually learned there.

Based on his performance, I don't see much evidence of anything except two-column accounting.  Not bad for four years, huh.

By the way, Paulie, your double degree doesn't impress me, mine was a triple (Biology, Anthropology, Psychology).  You're still a fookin' amateur.

But I did see one cool thing:  Garrison Keillor is the only one I ever in my life saw using 'transmogrify' in a sentence.  Unlike Ryan, he really did get an education.

If you know what 'transmogrify' means then you will know how it applies to what Paul Ryan is trying to do to America.

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