Wednesday, July 23, 2014

If You Wanted a Better Report on 9/11

Well, if that was your wish then you probably should have behaved better.

Since hardly anyone in America behaved very well, a failure on 9/11 with regard to me is hardly a capital crime.  People were afraid, they lost their minds, and they stopped any rational thinking.

George Bush said, "I'm the War President."

I said, "We're fucked."

Response, "I wish I was (sic) with an American."

That was the last contact with anyone in the U.S.  I still related socially to some extent but these obviously were not my people.  They were pussies who disgrace their own dead.

The new World Trade Center could have been the glowing tribute to peace shining to all the world.  Instead now it's a symbol of just another day, just another bloodbath.

It would have said to the world This Will Never Happen Again ... but instead Bush did it again in a few months.  And you don't understand how you disgrace me.


It has nothing to do with individuals and I won't identify the one in the story.  There's no chance you can know who I mean.  That aspect is irrelevant as the whole country did it.

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