Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chelsea Manning Welcome Home Fund

The goal is to raise $100K to help Chelsea Manning ease into the civilian life she has never known where she can live in the ways which have been prevented in her life up until her release.  It was an honorable thing for Obama to cut short her sentence since she would not otherwise have been released until 2045 and there seemed little chance she would last that long the way the Army has been treating her.

The goal is forty percent achieved only a little more than a day after the fund was started for her.

Note:  I was assigned to a stockade for some of my time while I was in the Army and I've seen how those cowardly bastard MPs got off on making life as miserable as they possibly could for any of those they regarded as criminals.  The MPs aren't some of the best in the military but among the worst.

There was a man who was in the stockade because he overstayed his leave time after he got back from Vietnam where he had been awarded a Silver Star.  The MPs kept taunting the 'war hero' and he would go off, getting charged with increasingly more violent crimes as they continued.  The last I heard was he was on his way to a formal prison ... all of which started for overstaying his leave.

Chelsea Manning was used as the scapegoat for a failed military campaign which, to this day, can claim no more credit than enablement of the original high level of opium production in Afghanistan.  America owes Manning thanks for her honesty and giving her this welcome home is a small thing we can do toward that.


Chelsea Manning Welcome Home Fund

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