Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Resounding Genius of Al Pacino and Francis Ford Coppola

After watching "The Godfather 1,2,3" again, the genius of Al Pacino is so strongly affirmed through the way Michael Corleone undergoes profound changes in behavior and characteristics in each of the movies and yet he is entirely convincing and believable in all of them.  Francis Ford Coppola / Mario Puzo made it all real and result is a series which will be a staple in cinema classes for years.

There's no need to go back through the first two of the movies in the series since this is not a cinema class and the specific interest is in the third movie due to the parallels between corruption in the Vatican Bank as that relates to corruption in Washington via Goldman Sachs.  As we have seen in Trump's performance, he's just as much of a Goldman Sachs grifter as the Clintons but he's better at it.  No-one would likely have thought it possible but Trump made the Clintons look even more cheap and carny than they already were.

Ed:  the Pope got whacked in "Godfather 3!"

What's your boggle, Holy Joe?  Do you think the criminals in power now would not do that?  Do you seriously suggest there is any morality in them?

You have seen how they have reviled Pope Francis, I assume.  To all appearance, there's nothing they loathe more than an honest Pope and Francis shares many parallels with Pope John Paul 1 who got whacked in the movie.  When they have killed their pride in so many other ways, why should it surprise you if they murder the figurehead they're supposed to be defending.

Note:  yes, of course that's THE Pope John Paul 1 so I accept his portrayal as part of the movie.  Whether the movie is true / false in that specific context is not important to me since the viewing was in the context of any Pope.

The third movie in the series did not receive the acclaim of the first two and critics may have been afraid of the boldness of the statement regarding financial corruption.  As we see by today's low standards, the corruption isn't even surprising.  In the Rockhouse view, the third was the best of the three and it wrapped up all the pieces leaving not a thing on the floor.

At the bottom of it all is 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' and we have seen America striving relentlessly for it while getting increasingly corrupt as it has tried.  Both parties are owned by Goldman Sachs except for original Democrats focused around Bernie Sanders / Tulsi Gabbard and the Green Party with Jill Stein who is far and away their best representative.  That core is the incipient third party since no-one rejects the Clintons / Obamas harder than the members of the party they defiled.  Part of that is to ensure Chelsea Clinton is never, ever permitted to sleaze her way into the Democratic Party.  Let her show more honesty than her parents and run as a Republican.

The Rockhouse is disgraced by that kind of Democrat.  We resisted long before it was fashionable and we're pleased to take credit for tanking the nightmarish horror of Hillary Clinton.  We will rise any time she or her spawn ever tries to get political again.  If America is doomed to hit the rocks, it won't be due to Democrats selling it out, not while we have a vote and can use or abstain as appropriate based on the level of insult from the DNC.

The Rockhouse will vote for a woman any time but we do require she be honest.

Do you trust the Vatican Bank?

The Rockhouse doesn't trust it any more than any other bank after we have seen around the world banks wallowing in massive corruption with Deutsche Bank currently the most obviously in the toilet but they don't have the same political protection as Goldman Sachs and the other American banks or English banks.

In some ways, there's Rockhouse identification with Michael Corleone seeking redemption in "Godfather 3" since I may have done some good things in my life but I only remember the bad things although whacking twelve gangsters before breakfast has not been in that curriculum.  That has nothing to do with my drug-consuming ways since there should have been more of that rather than less.  The details aren't important to anyone other than I and the better efforts on the Rockhouse are part of the pursuit of redemption although I did not look at it that way until watching the movie.

Ed:  so why were you doing it?

I never gave it any thought beyond I write because I write and it's good if anyone derives anything from that.  Donald Trump makes loud and annoying flatulent sounds, the Clintons embezzle, and I write.

Ed:  because you were no good at loud flatulent sounds or embezzlement?

Well, actually, I am good at loud flatulent sounds; just ask anyone.  Wanna hear me play?

Ed:  NO!

"The Sanctuary Song" in "The End of the World in Fort Worth" was obviously a redemption song but I did not see it as going beyond the song itself.  In other words, I did not see things beyond the song as part of any effort toward redemption but now I see it's all been part of the same thing.

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