Thursday, February 9, 2017

Helpful Ground Transportation for New England in the Blizzard

There's a non-nor'easter blowing into New England just now and there may be a foot of snow on the ground from Providence to Boston and on North from there by tomorrow.  Our hearts go out to the people of New England since their struggles with the cold must be mighty.   I'm down here in Texas where I own a parka but it's been inaccessible in the back of a closet for years ... but I'll be shoveling snow with New Englanders in spirit ... really.  (RT:  ‘Going to be a big punch’: Northeast braces for biggest blizzard of the year)

Despite the crippling measures of some of America's austerity programs, there is still a way to get around in heavy weather situations and the Rockhouse helpfully provides this one.

Other than freezing your ass and getting a face full of exhaust fumes from that dirty motor, it's just like having an SUV and it has a distinct advantage since no-one will think you're gay just for owning it.

Ed:  what is it?

No idea.  I'd say Redneck Russians but the lettering isn't Cyrillic.

Ed:  I must commend their style in using matching recliners.

Naturally.  Getting around in a blizzard is nothing ... if not with style.

Note:  it's been nine years since I last shoveled snow.  I still hate it.  That's the only task of home ownership even less rewarding than mowing the lawn.

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