Saturday, February 25, 2017

Donald Trump Buried America's Soul at Standing Rock

Spotted Elk, also known as Big Foot, was a chief within the Lakota Sioux tribe.  And he met his end at the Wounded Knee Massacre in December 1890, during which he and 152 others – many of whom were unarmed women and children – were brutally killed by Union officers.

The Standing Rock Sioux are part of the Lakota Sioux so seeing the state coming for them is nothing new.  They are well familiar with how America will disgrace itself for material possessions and Donald Trump has just led America to do it again by ejecting the last of the water protectors from Standing Rock.

That Donald Trump sees no importance in taking care of the people of America makes it clear he has no vision and his actions show he doesn't have much of a soul either.

It hasn't even been much more than a century since the Army slaughtered the Lakota Sioux and left their bodies in the snow at Wounded Knee.  America learned nothing from it whatsoever, certainly not grace.

This sort of behavior is a family tradition considering what General Dyer ordered on behalf of England in Amritsar in India during Gandhi's struggle leading the country to independence.  (WIKI:  Amritsar)

Do you think what the Army did at Wounded Knee was unique or that the Cherokee Trail of Tears only happened once.  If that is your thinking, take a look at the Long Walk the Army made the Navajo do.  These horrors have happened multiple times and another one happened again due to Donald Trump.  In a single move, his name has joined Andrew Jackson for Presidents who have done the worst things to the Indian Nation.  (WIKI:  Long Walk of the Navajo)

Note:  Kit Carson is typically regarded as a hero of the American Wild West but he was instrumental in forcing the Navajo on the Long Walk so he's no better than Andrew Jackson either.

The slaughter at Wounded Knee wasn't unique.  Take a look at the cowardly way Indians were slaughtered in Palo Duro Canyon in Texas.  (WIKI:  Battle of Palo Duro Canyon)

The Battle of Palo Duro was part of the same pattern as the rest of the slaughter since the Indians were being forced from their land to walk to Oklahoma, just as had been done with the Cherokee.

In over a hundred years, America's determination to take every square inch of Indian land and decimate the memory of their culture is undiminished.  With a champion like Donald Trump in front, it's not likely it will ever change.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn Jenner said regarding Trump's gutting of any protection for transgender Americans, "It's a disaster."

That sorry synthetic simulacrum said nothing at all about what happened at Standing Rock so her definition of a disaster is tenuous at best.

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