Sunday, February 26, 2017

I'll Be Washing My Hair on Oscar Night

The incredibly cute ball of white fur appeared to wink at the camera and simultaneously pull off a cheeky dab-inspired dance move during her debut at Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich.  (Telegraph:  Polar bear cub does 'dab dance' taking adorable first steps at zoo)

It won't be too many years before this cute li'l furball will be big enough to take off your arm with one bite.

In Germany, a polar bear is called an Eisbär or Ice Bear and it's pronounced just like you would say it.  Those types of commonalities between German and English are another fascination because of how languages show the way we moved around the Earth.

If you start calling them Ice Bears when you take kids to the zoo, you may find you will keep doing it since the name sounds so natural for them and you will be ready for the Hellabrunn Zoo without changing a thing.

Kannafoot went up to Alaska several times to photograph ice bears and the first time was kind of funny since they were so far off.  For the second time, he was in a heavily-fortified truck and the ice bears were right outside it.  Presumably he and the other whacko ice bear tourists were satisfied they were close enough that time.

Note:  no-one got maimed or eaten on that trip.

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